Older than you’ve ever been…

I have, once again, gotten older.  It seems to keep happening.  So far, I'm liking it.  I'm spending the day checking out new breakfast joints, making eggnog, and playing board games.  I hope you're doing things you love just as much.  And, on the off chance one of those things is knitting, I'm having a birthday sale. Now through December 27, 11:59pm eastern time, buy one pattern get one free.  To take advantage: 1) Visit my ravelry store find 2 things you like, and put them in your ravelry cart (be sure you're using the add to cart button, not [...]

December 23, 2013|


One day last week, while I was busy knitting or writing patterns or running errands or making plans for world domination, something happened.  The blog turned 4.  I totally had it in my head that this happened this week, not last week.  I'm apparently a very bad blogger. I'm actually more than a little amazed at how my world has changed in the last 4 years, in large part through this blog.  I feel like I should have something profound and important to say about it.  Alas, I really don't.  I'm far more likely to be bouncing up and down [...]

March 19, 2013|
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