So while the cold weather took its own sweet time getting here, now that it's here it seems to want to stay a while. I'm fighting back in traditional knitter fashion. Wool. Both in the form of socks, and on the needles as a talisman against snow. Some day we knitters will learn casting on a new project isn't the best response to being cold, but today is not that day
As promised, actual socks on the needles. This is the first cast on with some of the Sock Summit yarn. It's Plucky Knitter's MCN Primo in the color Barely Birch. This is a nice thick yarn, and the socks are going to be perfect for wearing around the house when it gets cooler. Assuming it ever's unseasonably warm at the moment. For now we'll just have to pretend the pumpkins make it feel fall-like (please ignore the whirr of the ceiling fan in the background).
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