You know you want it. I know you want it. Everyone wants to grab one of these and go ‘pinch pinch pinch’ and listen to the clasp go ‘thunk thunk thunk.’ Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Everyone feels that way sometimes. If you wish to indulge this base desire, the pattern is called Clasped and you can be thunk thunk thunking away in a day or two. Or you can continue on in noble self restraint and deny yourself the unspeakable satisfaction of a good thunk. I’ll be over here thunking.
I long, in my very deepest soul, to hold this up in front of you and go 'nom nom nom' while waggling it around and showing you how very delightfully satisfying a shape it is. The limitations of still photography make this...challenging. But this might help, should you be so inclined.
Clasped is out, and I should probably warn you away. I should probably tell you not to make one of these. In fact, yes, let me just go ahead and officially warn you against making them right at the start. Because once you make one, you're almost certainly going to want to make another. And once you show someone else what you've made, you're almost certainly going find yourself getting all sorts of longing looks or hints or outright requests to make more. Now to be fair, these are easy requests to say yes to (the knitting is simple and [...]
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