Vagaries (plus giveaway)

From time to time I have one of those days where I very much want to knit...maybe even need to knit...but I absolutely do not have the extra brain cycles to knit anything more complicated than plain stockinette in the round.  On those days, a pattern like Vagaries can be just the thing. The vast majority of this really is just stockinette in the round.  But somehow those adorable little welts and the contrast color stripes provide just enough distraction to keep it interesting.  I'm pretty sure the secret is picking a yarn you really like (this is Kunlun by [...]

October 24, 2017|

Vestige (plus giveaway)

So I do this thing where I find a yarn base I really like, buy a bunch of it in different colors for various projects, and then end up with lots of little bits and pieces left over.  It's happened with Madeline Tosh, and it's happened with Quince & Company, and it's happened with Malabrigo.  Vestige is the perfect set to make use of some of those leftover bits! I had a whole skein of the purple floating around (the color is called Sabiduria), and some bits and pieces of pink (Archangel), and decided they should hang out together and [...]

September 5, 2017|

Compunction (plus giveaway)

Ok...moment of truth here...think about your stash.  Do you have a skein of sock yarn you just know isn't going to become socks?  I suspect you do, and I have a feeling Compunction might be just the thing to do with it! Now I want to be clear...just because a skein of sock yarn isn't destined to be socks doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.  In fact, quite the opposite.  It could be too lovely to hide away in shoes, or too delicate to be subjected to the rigors of life as a sock.  Or it could be something [...]

April 4, 2017|

Petiole (plus giveaway)

So confession time, there's something about knitted leaves.  I'm not honestly sure what, and I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be this satisfying.  But who am I to argue.  I like them, and I suspect you do too.  Especially the adorable ones in Petiole! So the hat's great fun.  It's tidy and orderly and totally worth working all that ribbing for the brim (you've know me long enough to know I go a bit cross eyed when asked to do more than three rows of ribbing).  And of course the crown is downright lovely (because no one has time for boring [...]

October 18, 2016|

Tacit (plus giveaway)

I know quite a few of you have been eagerly awaiting these.  So, for anyone in a tearing hurry, let me just go ahead and say Tacit are out.  You can grab them and cast on right now.  But do swing back by when you have a moment, as I've got yarn to give away down below! So I know lots of folks watched this one come together (someone linked to one of the early posts about them on pinterest and it sort of blew up, which is totally nifty).  And the thing I kept getting asked over and over [...]

June 7, 2016|

Not Enough

So the cowl was apparently not enough.  I mean I had a whole extra skein of yarn sitting around, and I didn't want it to languish.  (And who knows when this uncharacteristic tolerance of blue will wear off and I'll go back to my accustomed grays and browns.)  So now we have the Blue Thing of Blue...Part Two. Not even a little bit sorry.

January 14, 2016|


Once, long ago, I took a weekend trip.  It was cold, so I made a hat.  I had a tiny bit of yarn left, so I made some very very wee cuffs to go with it.  Then, as is the way with knitted things, I wore the heck out of them.  They've been used for four winters, and they are showing some serious signs of wear. But, this isn't all bad.  I've been having great fun reworking and re-releasing old patterns.  I've always wanted the mitts to be a bit taller, and I've been feeling the need for a hat [...]

October 12, 2014|


The more I knit, the more I find myself interested in options.  I almost never knit something without thinking 'hmmm, I could do it this way, or I could do it this way, or maybe I could try this other thing' and wanting to more or less do them all. Now often, this is a bit impractical.  Eventually I just have to settle down and knit the thing.  And if I'm writing a pattern (which I do for almost everything I knit), I don't feel good giving you options for variations I'm not showing you pictures of.  Doing that would [...]

February 8, 2014|

More Obliging Still

Sometimes you go to the sketchy parts of town to find the right atmosphere, and sometimes you find it closer to home.  Perhaps just around the corner, in the garage of an abandoned house.  You know, the garage with the hole in the roof and the tree growing out the middle of it and the distinct cant to the left.  Not the best thing ever when it comes to, say, property values, but very handy indeed when you need to grab a quick knitting pic after dinner. That's Space Cadet Creations' Astrid yarn in a one of a kind color [...]

July 24, 2013|
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