I sort of love nets. Like I may have actually watched youtube videos of how to make your own fishing nets (note, I do not fish...I do not even eat fish), just because I like how they go together. Now the likelihood of me ever actually making a fishing net is low, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a bit of knitting that happens to look a bit like a net... That's Serena by Manos del Uruguay, and it's a lovely cotton and alpaca blend (very much unlike fishing nets). It's going to be delightfully orderly once it's blocked, [...]
Sigh. I have knit two curls, two sizable curls on straight needles with no problems at all. I just bunched the stitches up (and eventually whacked a rubber band around the fabric to keep it smooshed together). It worked perfectly. But that's just not going to work for this one. The yarn is both astonishing fluffy and hideously delicate, and it just won't take being smooshed too much. Stitches are popping off both ends of the needles, and I'm pretty sure if I tried to rubber band it, the band would chew right through the fabric like a chainsaw. So [...]
Over The…
One of you come finish this for me, pretty please? It's reached the point where the rows are alarmingly long (it's all bunched up on the needles so you're not really seeing the full size of the thing here). It's also reached the point where I keep wishing I had a bit more yarn so I could make it really really really big. But, as the yarn came (without a label) from a jewelry vendor at Rhinebeck three years ago, I think I'm probably out of luck. Probably, but not definitely. For you see, I just sort of happened to [...]
Shameless shameless pretty
Yes, yes the obsession continues. No, I am not sorry. I'm also not done, so there are going to be at least a few more of these. But, in the interest of being useful, I'll answer a few questions. Yes, it's skinny pencil roving (about sport weight maybe? I'm knitting on 4s.). No, I'd never seen it before either, but I'm fond of it. No, I don't know where to find this exact stuff (I got it at Rhinebeck, three years ago, at a jewelry stand that just happened to have this one kind of yarn), but if you search [...]
One more row
Right, so, I'm starting to want everything I knit to be in gradient yarn. The knitting would go much much faster. Everybody else really really really wants to get through one more color change before they stop too, right? That's totally normal I'm sure...
So you know me. You know I knit with skinny yarn. Skinny gray yarn (with occasional hints of grayish blue or grayish brown for variety). I knit small things, mostly tubes, and on dpns. Which makes the appearance of this at the top of my stash somewhat perplexing. And the slow emergence of this doubly so. Not quite sure how I feel about this development, I'd better knit some more to check...
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