Dippers Redux
As promised, the cleaned up version of Dippers is now available. Again, the old one wasn't exactly wrong -- lots of people made them with great success. It just wasn't quite as tidy as I wanted it to be. And, again, alas, no new pictures. Apparently socks get fuzzy and less photogenic after more than a year of heavy wear. Next week I'll be back with book news (the kind with pictures and dates and specific plans).
Shows Continued Improvement
You know how you look back on those (dreadfully earnest and sickeningly leaden) papers you wrote your first year of college and just wince? Or maybe it's entries in your high school journal or your first few blog entries that make you cringe. Well I did that the other day. Not with papers, but with my early patterns. Popped was my first pattern, and I didn't know what in the world I was doing back then. Luckily, that one got totally revamped somewhere along the way as part of it's release through Knit Picks Independent Designer Program, so it's fine [...]
Victory Dance
We did it! Thank you all for your votes. You pushed me into the lead. For those of you who want to join the knit along, the Sock that Rock group is here. Knitting starts on the first of July and ends on thirtieth of September. As promised, I'm going to do a sale to celebrate. From now until midnight (eastern time) Friday June 19, buy any one pattern and get any other pattern for free. Alas, there isn't an easy way to automate the process, so we'll have to do it manually. Here's how it will work: Buy a [...]
Double Dipped
It seems Dippers is getting a bit of attention. A Socks That Rock group on Ravelry is considering using it for their next knit along. I'm thrilled! The idea of seeing it knit up in so many of the lovely Blue Moon colorways is rather staggering. Just in case it is selected, I went back over the pattern and make sure it was up to snuff. It was one of my earlier attempts, and I wanted to be sure it was ok. There were a few small typos (nothing that would have kept the earlier version from being used, just [...]
I am, for once in my life (and much to the surprise of anyone who has met me), done ahead of schedule. Yes, that's right, the Dippers socks are done being knit, done being photographed, and the pattern done being written. You may find the pattern here. You may also shower me with adulation, expensive presents, and, barring either of those, pictures of your completed socks. One more picture, mostly because I'm smug and self satisfied. Possibly even smugly self satisfied.
The Vapors
No I'm not dead. I am, instead, alternating between knitting and having the vapors. I think the vapors are underrated and are a perfectly valid coping technique for many of life's ills. I am, as they say, bringing them back. Between fits of the vapors I'm knitting away, and have approximately 10/11ths of the second Dippers sock done (what? Yes I count the stitches in a sock and then keep track as I go along, and yes I do like irreducible fractions). With luck they'll be done tonight, photographed tomorrow, and available on Tuesday...barring more vapors.
I'm pleased to announce the official name of the newest sock. They are now and shall henceforth be known as Dippers. The first sock is done and the pattern is 90% finished. It goes out to the noble and startlingly attractive test knitters/proof readers tomorrow, and should be up for general consumption some time next week. If your life will end if you are not one of said test knitters, find me on Ravelry and let me know. Holy crispy critters Batman, that was quick. I've been inundated (which is, by the way, totally awesome) and need no more test [...]
Just. Keep. Knitting
I have to learn to knit faster. Alas, I feel this is likely accomplished most successfully by spending more time knitting, and neither my wrists nor my schedule allow for any more time spent with yarn. Generally, if I knit every day, and knit faithfully on just one project (ha), I can get a sock done in a week. That's a sock, not a pair of socks. The second one takes longer. That's also just the knitting...not the dreaming up. If I actually swatch (granted, a hell of an if) it takes even longer. To judge from the (flattering, yet [...]
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