
This 'longer than anticipated' bit is apparently the theme of the project. But I did get two of the colors done. I have one tshirt and two napkins (both 100% cotton) to dye in each of the four colors. The kit I got had you first soak them with gallnut for tannins, then with alum as mordant, and I did all of the shirts and napkins together at the same time. I worked on turning the powders into potions while that went on. For each of the four colors, I first did one napkin and one tshirt in the dye. [...]

August 25, 2024|


Hmm, so this is a longer process than anticipated. Turning the powder into colorful potions took most of the day. So turning the white fabric into colorful fabric will have to wait until tomorrow. And my kitchen is now shockingly clean because it got shockingly filthy along the way and required a thorough scrub.

August 24, 2024|


Yup, yup that is unquestionably both a different color and a more solid color (the second pic shows the hat pre-dunk, the yarn in the first pic is the leftovers from the skein I knit with). It is not, perhaps, the color I would have picked had I been given a magic wand and told to pick whatever I wanted. Nor is it precisely the color I was expecting. But it absolutely for sure is now much more solid and does a much better job of showing off the stitch pattern. Quick run down of comments/questions from yesterday's ig post. [...]

April 13, 2024|


I have undoubtedly done this wrong. I do not care that I have done it wrong. Please do not tell me the ways in which I have done it wrong. The company that makes the dye has provided instructions over here. If you undertake a similar process, you should follow them. I for sure did...some of what they said. The hat is for sure...not the same color it was when I started. Wanna see...

April 12, 2024|

Not a teabag

This...this is not a teabag. It was going to be! But there has been a change of plans.⁠ So the hat, even after blocking, even after staring at it from a distance while squinting, even after speaking to it as persuasively as possible, continued to be...not the best match of stitch pattern and yarn color.⁠ And I, even after many years of experience that should have taught me better, continue to be both alarmingly stubborn and highly susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy.⁠ So I figured I'd brew up a mouth-puckeringly strong pot of tea and chuck the hat in [...]

April 11, 2024|


I'm working on some socks.  This, this is not news.  Alas, the plans for these socks are a wee bit in the air at the moment.  The details of their fate need to be secured before I can tell you too much about them.  It's making me twitchy.  I've actually got knitting on the needles, and I want to show it to you, but discretion demands I not...for the moment. And yet, somehow, I'm still talking about the socks.  I'm working with Dream in Color's Everlasting DK (aka the best fat sock yarn in all the land...it's what I used [...]

October 4, 2012|
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