Fit of pique

Despite several hours of trying to create more fabric through just the power of my brain, more fabric failed to materialize. So I switched to creating more fabric with my hands. Which worked better. I remain, however, completely unsure as to whether the yarn is too busy for this pattern. It got better as I went along (and the back side is all stockinette, which calms things down a bit more), but it's still a liiiiiiittle too...something. But I'm more than half way through (it's a hat, it's not a big project), and if I knit any more fabric to [...]

April 4, 2024|

Either Or

I am...unsure of this. Either it will be lovely once I get a little further along (this is the most likely outcome, and I shall keep telling myself this, quite firmly, as often as needed). Or the yarn is just a hair too busy for the pattern (I always always always think this at this stage, it is rarely true). And the only way to know is, alas, to keep knitting. Please reassure me, either with tales of busy yarns that calmed down when you got a bit more knitting done, or with tales of projects that were much better [...]

April 2, 2024|


Ok, which one do we like best? The first one is one embroidery option, the second is the same pattern (in a different color of yarn) with a second embroidery option, and the third one is the first hat before I got my filthy hands all over it and doodled it into oblivion. I don't think I ever told you the story of these. A while ago Little Skein Anne and I were talking about doing a project together (because Anne is a delight and one of the few people I'm always happy to play with), and I said I'd [...]

March 28, 2024|

Penchant Expansion Pack

The Expansion Pack for Penchant is out, and this is a little different from what we usually do, so read on for details! We all know I'm bad at restraint. I like versions and options and exploring things in depth. It's how I'm wired. So it makes sense that something that started with one hat quickly turned into two. And then those two hats somehow seemed like the absolutely perfect place to spend some time playing with duplicate stitch. So I did! The hat pattern came out last year, but the primer on duplicate stitch was only for patrons. But [...]

March 26, 2024|


So here's another example of what I mean by having a bunch of building blocks and putting them together different ways. These are the crowns of the two hats from yesterday's post. And hat crowns are (generally) just 'ways to decrease while maintaining some of the lines of the pattern.' So if you have a couple of different ways to decrease out of a given stitch, you can find yourself with a couple of lovely different hat crowns. The hardest part is deciding which you like best, which I, alas, am no help with. I'm hopelessly smitten with both! But [...]

March 20, 2024|

Stack them up

Ok, I'm going to be Very Brave and show you some Very Not Pretty Pictures so I can excitedly explain the next weird idea...⁠ Remember when I talked about how the thing that I've come to really love in designs is letting all the bits of a piece flow nicely into one another? How that's what makes a pattern feel like it clicks in my head? Well I'm working on a way to take all those various pieces and sort of...package them all up together as building blocks so you can play with them too!⁠ So these hats are taking [...]

March 19, 2024|


I've figured out the plan for these!⁠ ⁠ We've been talking all week about how the thing my brain REALLY loves to do is come up with pretty stitches, and then come up with ways to work with them, to slide in an out of them, to shape fabric around them. How that's a lot of what makes my designs look like my patterns. We also talked recently about how this month marks the fifteen year anniversary of Popped, my very first pattern. And quite a few of you playing along at home have noticed that the socks you saw [...]

March 9, 2024|


Some, time very soon, I will show you the tops of these two hats, side by side. At that moment, our brains will, in glorious unison, go 'oooooooh, tiiiidy' and release One Precious Pellet of the good brain chemicals. This day is not that day. But that day is coming soon!

March 8, 2024|
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