Hmm, I've been remiss. I went and put out a new book, and then did some of those 'chat about the book' sorts of things you're supposed to do when you put out a new book, and sort of forgot to tell you about them. So, if you see the odd bit of info about the new book, there are a few ways to do it! Marly (of the Yarn Thing podcast) and I had a lovely little talk over here. I've been on the Yarn Thing podcast a few times in the past, so if you really want to [...]
Getting an Early Start the interest of not being murdered by my mailman, I'm going to go ahead and start shipping these a bit early. These are the ones going out today. There will be another round going out Tuesday and another on Wednesday too. Thursday is Thanksgiving in America, so the mail won't be picked up that day, but any remaining books should be on their way Friday. And of course, the eversion goes live tomorrow at noon, so you can cast on right away if you've got itchy fingers!
So That Was Fun!
Oh you guys are awesome! Launching a new book is always ridiculously scary (it seriously hits every one of my 'what if I throw a party and no one comes?' buttons). But you totally didn't let me down. I'll be keeping the mailman very busy next week, thank you! But somehow, in the shiny new book dance, I didn't properly show off the awesome socks that everyone who preorders Fine Things is getting. I should totally fix that! Allow me to introduce Changeful. Except that picture doesn't quite do them justice (nifty as it is), because Changeful is really three [...]
Preorders are Open
It's live! Head on over to the book's page to get your copy. Just as a reminder, both the paper and the electronic copy are on sale during the preorder. You'll also get a copy of the Changeful pattern right away (and folks who order the paper book on the 19th will find an awesome paper copy of it tucked in their packages as well). The electronic version will go live on the 24th, and the paper ones will start shipping that day as well. I can't wait to see everyone's projects!
So, I know folks have a few questions. Some are about the preorder, and I'll explain all of that in great gory detail on Tuesday (short version, show up at noon eastern on Thursday the 19th). But there were a few questions about the book itself too, so I thought I'd see if I could answer all of those before the preorder dance starts later in the week. Let me know if there's anything else you're just itching to know! What's in the book? Fifteen patterns, a mix of socks and accessories (hats, fingerless gloves, scarves, shawls, and slippers). You [...]
Fine Things for Plain Occasions
Big deep breath. I think I know why you're here. Please allow me to introduce the new book, Fine Things for Plain Occasions: Patterns Inspired by Vintage Etiquette Guides. I know, you guys are here for the book, not to hear me talk. So if you want to see the book's own website (where I explain a bit what it's about), you can head over here. And if you want the ravelry page (with lots of pictures of each of the projects), you can find that here. The preorder will open on Thursday, November 19th, and the book will start [...]
So, we haven't talked much about this, have we? That's the shiny new book. That's the shiny new book which just happens to be going up for preorders next week. It is by far the most 'me' of any of the books I've written. It's the one where, if you went back in time ten years and found didn't-really-knit-yet me and said 'so, you're going to drop out of grad school and write knitting books for a living, ok?' and then showed me this book, I'd probably go 'oh, yeah, I can totally see me doing that...' So, here's the [...]
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