Gramercy (plus giveaway)

You know how some knitting projects just sort of seem like little magic tricks?  Either they come together faster than they should, or they use less yarn than you'd expect, or they look so much fancier than they have any right to given how easy they are.  Well Gramercy pretty much does all of those things!  I'm delighted to bring them back out. They use a marvelous little lace motif that has a lot going for it.  It's easy enough to be a perfect introduction to fancy socks, but interesting enough that you won't get bored, even if you're a [...]

September 1, 2015|


Kitten Overlord Levon wants to be sure that we are all aware of his work in the furtherance of the knitting cause.  He is worried Kitten Overlord Douglas may steal too much attention, so he asked me to mention just how hard he works to keep me firmly settled in my seat, busily cooking up new projects.  He guards my tea and delicately pats my knee with one paw if I do anything as ill considered as getting up. He does ask, however, that we not discuss the small whisker in cream incident that occurred shortly after this picture was [...]

August 31, 2015|

Drumroll Please

And the winner is Christine!  Check out her lovely socks, I know she'll put the yarn to good use.  I've sent off an email to ask for a mailing address.  And to answer her question, the Sock Plus 8 is a bit more tightly twisted than SG Bugga, and the Bugga is a bit softer and fuzzier.  They're about the same thickness, and both come in drop dead gorgeous colors.  I'd be happy to use either (and both are going to be in the book), and think they'd likely work for a lot of the same patterns. And to everyone [...]

September 13, 2010|


As I explained once before, I started designing socks mostly through an (oh so fetching) combination of laziness, bossiness, and inability to follow directions.  I kept it up because knitters seem to be disproportionately awesome and kept making me feel good.  Designing has turned into an important part of my life and has let me do all sorts of things I never thought I'd do.  I've met marvelous people, gone off on exciting trips, and am almost done with my first book.  How cool is that? I mean really, who would have ever thought knitting socks would turn into all [...]

September 8, 2010|


On Tuesday,  Socky went to the shore. He clambered over rocks, frolicked in tidepools, and generally enjoyed the ocean air. Alas, all was not well.  There are perils in the deep, and Socky was menaced by sea monsters. He lived to tell the tale and will be back to relate the rest of his adventures soon.

September 2, 2010|

One or the Other

So apparently I have time to either knit, or to write about knitting, but not both (at least not unless I let my commitments to either personal hygiene or basic housekeeping practices slip even further, which isn't really a viable option at the moment).  I can assure you that my prolonged quiet does at least mean there is knitting being done. Well, not at this particular moment.  Right now I'm packing.  You see, I'm off for a bit of a jaunt next week to Nova Scotia.  I hope to return with completed sock pictures for Gramercy.  The pattern is finished [...]

August 28, 2010|

A Scandalous Absence

I know.  It was a shameful lapse.  It came without warning.  It lasted too long.  It's just been that kind of week around here.  There hasn't been any one dramatic upheaval, just lots of little unexpected changes.  It's just been...busy.  Alas, not that satisfying kind of busy where at least you feel like you're getting lots of things accomplished.  Nope.  Instead it's been that really infuriating kind of busy where you feel like you're working crazy hard just to keep up.  And, perhaps worst of all from your perspective, it's the kind of busy that doesn't lend itself to knitting.  [...]

August 21, 2010|

Mind your Ps and Qs

I'm a big fan of Miss Manners.  Don't look at me like that.  Miss Manners is not about shrimp forks or calling cards or white gloves or ladies' maids.  She is, of course, well versed in those things, but she's not trying either to halt the onrush of progress or to make anyone feel inadequate for not having dedicated their lives to collecting eclectic dinnerware.  She's trying to do something both simpler and far more difficult.  She's trying to encourage people to be mindful of the way their actions effect others...and then to consider modifying their actions to make that [...]

August 12, 2010|

Call for Testers

I've just put up a thread calling for tester for these socks.  If you're interested in helping me test them, head over to ravelry and volunteer.  I'm picking testers and mailing out the pattern on Monday, and I'd need one sock made in 2 weeks.

August 7, 2010|
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