Rhinebeck Report

I'll preface this by saying I'm a bad blogger.  A very very bad blogger.  I took no Rhinebeck pictures.  Not one.  If you are looking for sheep-y yarn-y pics, go check out someone more diligent.  I my defense I can only say it was my first Rhinebeck and I was in a daze of wool fumes.  I'll have to settle for a written report (plus a stash enhancement pic). We were rolling Rhinebeck in with a larger vacation, so we spent Thursday implementing a masterful car packing plan and delivering the Kitten Overlords to The Boy's parents (saints I tell [...]

November 1, 2012|


You recall our little trip the other weekend?  You recall I mentioned I was knitting as we drove around?  But for some mysterious reason I didn't show you the knitting (unusual behavior for a knitting blogger).  That's because it was stealth birthday knitting.  But the birthday has come and gone, and the knitting has made its way to the intended person, so I can come back and retroactively show it off. These are the mitts I made with the Alisha Goes Around yarn I mentioned the other week.  First, proof that I really did take them on the trip.  We [...]

September 25, 2012|

Ran Away, Part 4

Alrighty, this is getting ridiculous.  We were gone just over 48 hours, you'd think I could tell you all about this in less than half a dozen posts. When we last spoke, we were pulling away from the Schaefer yarn outlet.  After such an experience, we needed something restorative.  We headed over to Finger Lakes Distilling.  We've been going there since they opened and their products have just gotten better.  We supplemented the basement supplies and set out for lunch. Somehow, no one quite knows how, Finger Lakes Fibers just happened to be between where we parked and the restaurant.  [...]

September 20, 2012|

Ran Away, Part 3

When last I left you, The Boy had spotted the Schaefer outlet sign, informed me of this discovery, and graciously redirected the car.  We pulled up and saw the yarn waving at us through the open doorway.  Someone was out front working in the garden.  I asked if we could go in, and stepped inside. Should you ever be in this part of the world, I highly recommend you find a way to do the same. The room is tiny, but it's packed floor to ceiling with lovely yarn.  One of my favorite things about Schaefer is the wide array [...]

September 19, 2012|

Ran Away, Part 2

You know those days where everything just seems to line up and work?  Lots of stuff gets done without any feeling of being rushed or frantic?  Yeah, somehow we managed to have a whole weekend like that.  I'll do the abbreviated version here.  (Why? Because it's my website and I totally use it for shameless reminders of where I went when and oh what was that cool restaurant and when did we visit those folks and a whole list of other things.  That's why.  I totally encourage you to go find a more interesting corner of the internet today if [...]

September 18, 2012|

Ran Away

Friday afternoon we set kittens up to be self sufficient for a day or two, tossed a change of clothes in a bag, flung some things in the car, and ran away.  Our favorite band, Jukebox The Ghost, was playing in Ithaca.  We were unable to resist.  If you find them in a town near you, you shouldn't resist either. There's lots of yarny stuff to report too, but it will have to wait till later in the week.  But don't worry, it's coming.  I just have to see if I can get my camera to behave long enough to [...]

September 17, 2012|
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