Tiny Reminder

The first of the knit alongs for Silk Road Socks is almost done. It's been amazing seeing all the lovely versions of Khotan and Gördes that people are making. Just one tiny reminder to come post your finished pair pictures on the thread before the end of the month.  I'll be picking winners (one from each sock) on the first and contacting them for their address so we can send off prizes.  If you've made them, now's the time to show them off!

March 27, 2011|

Knit Along Patterns

The official thread for the February knit along is up on Ravelry.  The individual patterns for these two socks are also now available on Ravelry, in case you prefer to get the patterns one by one.  Some time between now and the start of February, Shannon and I will come up with official rules and post them in the group.  For now, the general idea is: cast on after it gets to be February, finish a pair by the end of March, be entered to win prizes.  Use whatever yarn you like, use whatever color you like, make whichever sock [...]

January 25, 2011|

Khotan and Gördes

As promised, I'd like to introduce the two socks for our February knit along.  The eastward sock for February is Khotan.  I love them.  I know it's probably tacky to say that about your own design, but, well, it's true.  They're just so crisp and orderly.  They appeal to the part of me that uses a ruler to make sure the books on my shelves are lined up just right.  Everything flows perfectly into the next bit and it just works.  I know, I'm not being modest.  But they really are a (not so) secret favorite. They are made in [...]

January 21, 2011|

Flirt Shamelessly

So yesterday I showed you the 'behind the scenes' side of taking pictures.  Well, of me trying to take pictures.  I have a feeling the process will be a bit more orderly when we go off for the proper photo shoot with a real photographer. Today I get to show off the pretty glamor shots.  Now you'll note I'm still not showing you the whole socks.  Why?  Because I like to torture you?  No, wait, that's supposed to be a secret.  Um, because I want their first full frontal shots to have the benefit of the foot model and the [...]

September 28, 2010|
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