Terrifyingly Competent

Does brioche feel scary? If so, I have some good news... First, a bit of confession. It felt scary to me at first too! I mean look at it, how could it not be a little scary? But, as with so many things, once you spend a little bit of time playing with it, it gets a lot less intimidating. The thing that made it start making sense to me was realizing It's Just Fancy Ribbing. No really, (most) brioche is knit/purl rib with some sneaky yarnovers/slip stitches tossed in for extra texture. And yeah, as with most new things, [...]

February 21, 2024|


Yes, yes knitting yourself beautiful, squishy, scrubby, luxurious washcloths is a little indulgent. But guess what? You are allowed to be indulgent with yourself. I actually think you should find ways to make the ordinary moments in your life as pleasant as possible. Use the nice napkins, even if you're eating takeout pizza. Wear your favorite lipstick, even if you're home alone. Keep a tiny vase by the kitchen sink, even if you're just filling it with pretty weeds from the vacant lot. Make the little moments better. Because sometimes you cannot fix the big things! But you can probably [...]

February 20, 2024|

Of Use

I love the concept of objects of use, by which I mean the things I use to care for myself as I move through my day. Things like the pot I make my oatmeal in or the bowl I eat it out of or the teapot I brew my tea in or the mug I drink it out of or the blankets that keep me warm at night.⁠ I like my life more when I pay close attention to them. My life gets better when I focus on having fewer things and making sure the ones I do have are [...]

February 15, 2024|
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