
I...I am usually not fond of stockinette. It makes my brain too sleepy. However I have made an exception for this, both because the yarn is so damn yummy (Seven Sisters Arts will do that) and because the (rather sedate) giant pile of stockinette will turn into the closest thing I have ever seen to a knitting magic trick here in just a moment. I just have to figure out the best way to show you. Not exactly sure how I'm going to do that. But I'll figure it out. In the meantime, I just need a couple more rows...

April 8, 2024|

Have a word

Which one of you was in charge of telling me how much fun helix knitting is? We need to have a word. Because while I appreciate that you did eventually get the message to me, I must say that I wish you'd done it a tiny bit quicker. This is NIFTY. Nifty and tidy. Nifty and tidy and easy. And really, that's a great combo. (Yarns are all Seven Sisters Arts' magic, floofy laceweight held double with smoother things, and I love you all dearly but I am not burrowing through the label pile to figure out what right's [...]

March 25, 2024|

Math problem

Ok, so this feels suspiciously close to knitting a math problem. But in that nifty way where you're pretty sure someone with more formal math training than you would say something clever about it, but you absolutely don't need to know how any of that works in order to make/use/enjoy it. You can just knit for a bit and then fold it up just so and then play with/wear it and go huh, well, isn't that nifty. Though I do currently have the weirdest set of tabs up in my browser trying to figure out the right actual math words [...]

December 2, 2023|


So...any guesses? This is currently winning the award for 'looks most like a crime in a muppet factory,' but it will soon get all folded up and wrangled in on itself and turned into something much more staid and respectable. form. The colors will stay their delightfully exuberant selves. Wouldn't want to stray too far into respectability. It might be contagious.

December 1, 2023|


I love the thing where you hide that first row of purls so you don't get the little purl bumps in a contrasting color when you switch yarns. ⁠ ⁠Like, it's absolutely and completely optional. It serves no practical purpose whatsoever, and literally nothing bad happens if you don't bother. But if you do want to bother, you can. ⁠ ⁠ And knitting is just full of little spots like that where you can take an extra moment and be fiddly and get everything just so if you want to. And I swear that's the key to keeping my brain engaged [...]

November 29, 2023|
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