
Yeah, so somehow I've been distracted and not shown you as much of this as I should have. Which is a shame, as it's lovely. But it does pretty much do that thing all hats do in the middle where you can just sort of assume 'and then it got taller for a while with no particularly notable changes.'  Because well...that's how hats work. At least with this one you can distract yourself by wondering if the color is changing yet (hint, yes, yes it totally is). Yarns are Malabrigo Rios in Natural and Friea Handpaint Sport in Flare.  If [...]

April 5, 2019|

And now we start actually knitting

So, after all those swatches, it's time to actually knit the thing! I'm doing a rolled brim (in part because I like how it looks and fits, but also in part because I want to get to the color change bit as quickly as I can, and plowing through a solid brim in the colorful yarn lets me get there quick). And I generally cast on over two needles (not to make the cast on stretchier, it doesn't do that, but it does make the loops of my first row of stitches a better match for the rest of my [...]

March 21, 2019|

Field trip

Went on a yarn field trip last week...needed some stuff to play with my newly developed obsession with two color brioche. The dark purple bit of lovely is Shibui Knits' Silk Cloud in Velvet.  The fluff in plastic is two disks of Lopi's Plötulopi, one in white and one in purple, but I don't see color names.  And the other goodness is Malabrigo's Lace in Natural (white), Polar Morn (gray), Archangel (pink), and Whale's Road (blue). And no, they're not all getting used together!  The Shibui is probably going with the light purple stuff I got from Martin's Lab a few weeks ago [...]

January 17, 2019|

At least my feet will be warm…

I'm absolutely positively convinced that warm feet make all the difference on cold days.  And you all know I have a slew of wool socks (perks of the trade...).  But sometimes you want an extra layer, and that's where the slippers come in.  I've been rocking the slippers over socks thing the last few mornings (what can I say, it's chilly...) and found that I wanted some taller ones.  So these are going to come up all the way over my ankles. And they're out of seriously thick yarn (Malabrigo's Twist in the color Zinc) knit just as tight as [...]

October 19, 2017|

Vestige (plus giveaway)

So I do this thing where I find a yarn base I really like, buy a bunch of it in different colors for various projects, and then end up with lots of little bits and pieces left over.  It's happened with Madeline Tosh, and it's happened with Quince & Company, and it's happened with Malabrigo.  Vestige is the perfect set to make use of some of those leftover bits! I had a whole skein of the purple floating around (the color is called Sabiduria), and some bits and pieces of pink (Archangel), and decided they should hang out together and [...]

September 5, 2017|

Nearly there

Little mitts on thicker yarn have some distinct advantages.  They're cozy as can be, and done in a flash.  I'm pretty sure this took about five minutes. And this five more. And this five more. And now of course it will take me about six weeks to finish the thumb and get around to weaving in the ends...  But that's a whole separate issue and best not thought about now! I've totally loved making these, but man is it time to get something in my more customary colors on the needles.  All this brightness is starting to get to me.  [...]

September 30, 2016|

One Down

Love it! I haven't woven in all the ends yet (so. many. ends.).  But I've got enough in to know it fits and is comfy.  I was worried the rolled edge would feel bulky, but it really doesn't.  I used needles one size bigger for the rolled bits, which seems counter intuitive, but totally works.  It makes the fabric a bit softer/floppier in those spots, so it doesn't bind up or feel like it's in the way. Totally worth filing away when you want the look of a rolled edge but want the fabric to stay well behaved!

September 28, 2016|


There are ways to keep the edges of your knitting from rolling, but sometimes you just need to relax and go with it.  And this is totally one of those times. I like how the rolled edge looks here.  It plays nicely with the texture in the bands, and it shows off the colors in the yarn beautifully. I'm going to have to wear it a bit to make sure it doesn't feel awkward on my thumb, but I suspect it will be just fine. What do you guys think?  Do you like rolled edges?  Or do they bug you?

September 26, 2016|

Smitten it is supposed to be a baby hat (that's a lie, it's sized to be a toddler/child hat, because I don't like anyone enough to knit something they'll grow out of in five minutes).  But if it were a few inches bigger around and an inch or two taller?  I'd totally rock that hat myself! And, as always, blocking takes what was generally adorable and makes it all tidy and orderly and just extra nifty in all ways. Those of you not blocking your hats are missing out on a treat, they really do deserve it! And me?  Well [...]

September 22, 2016|
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