
So, it's been sort of all book all the time around here, but I have managed to grab the occasional spare moment and actually knit (not many mind you...but every now and then).  There's a hat underway. It started out something like that. Then it was more like that. And these days it's more like this. It's the simplest little thing ever (two row repeat, mostly stockinette, easy to pick up and bang out a row when you have a minute), which makes it the perfect thing for the craziness of launch week.  All the interest comes from the yarn [...]

August 19, 2016|


Sigh.  I have knit two curls, two sizable curls on straight needles with no problems at all.  I just bunched the stitches up (and eventually whacked a rubber band around the fabric to keep it smooshed together).  It worked perfectly. But that's just not going to work for this one.  The yarn is both astonishing fluffy and hideously delicate, and it just won't take being smooshed too much.  Stitches are popping off both ends of the needles, and I'm pretty sure if I tried to rubber band it, the band would chew right through the fabric like a chainsaw. So [...]

October 29, 2015|


I distinctly remember, back when I was a new knitter, wondering why on earth people had so many knitting needles.  I could understand having different sizes.  Though I secretly suspected that you could probably make size 2 act like size 1 if you just pulled extra tight or like size 3 if you just kept your yarn a bit loose...I mean how much difference could a half a millimeter really make?  (Hint, new knitters, if you're reading this, the answer is 'a lot.'  Half a millimeter makes a lot of difference.  Save yourself the headache and be smarter than I [...]

August 10, 2015|


Last time we chatted about the critters of the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival.  This time, let's talk about the loot.  Now, I'm normally rather restrained at these events.  I just don't go through much yarn (and when I do knit something, I like it to be in a yarn I can use for a pattern, and that imposes a whole new set of constraints on my shopping).  But I did find a few goodies. The first is some long, wooden dpns.  I used to think I didn't care for wooden dpns (and I still don't like them at small [...]

May 23, 2015|

Yarn Report

Perhaps not surprisingly, we somehow managed to slip into a few yarn stores on our trip this past weekend. Imagine that.  Shocking I know. Our first stop was the Cultured Purl in Erie, PA (what, it was on the way...more or less).  It was the first time I had seen Sweet Georgia yarns in a store.  Luckily, I have quite a bit of SG sitting around here, so I was able to grab something new.  I picked up two skeins of Filigran by Zitron in what seems to be collor 1603 (such an evocative name).  This is a single ply [...]

June 29, 2011|
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