
Ok, let's walk through the differences on these (video version over on insta if you want to see me flop things about)! On the original Constellate, our little bit of fancy business is all stacked up nice and neat in columns and set against a ribbed background. And on the variation, that same little bit of fancy business is instead offset and set against a stockinette background.  The ribbed background on the original lends itself to a folded brim, and the stockinette background to a rolled brim. You can work either one with either one color straight through or with [...]

September 20, 2023|

Constellate (bonus version)

If you've been here for any time at all, you know I'm bad at restraint. I prefer exuberance and exploration and experimentation. I adore having time to play around and see where my whims take me. Which is how we ended up with this hat! I took Constellate, and the gorgeous little stitch it uses, and said 'huh, I wonder what would happen if...' Before I knew it, I had a very different version of the hat in my hands. And, since my lovely patrons are the ones who make it possible for me to spend time exploring things like [...]

September 19, 2023|

The Opposite of Suspense

Remember how I said I used yesterday's yarn math all the dam time? Yeah, it's how I knew I totally had enough yarn on hand to do a second version of this hat. And yeah, spoiler alert, if you look at yesterday's picture you can see I totally did and said hat is indeed already finished. But wow was it nice to work on it knowing, deep in my truest heart, that I would not be running out of yarn half an inch from the end of the hat. Because I'm sorry. Life in 2023 is stressful enough. I do [...]

August 9, 2023|

Happy little surprise

Ever cleaned out your coat closet and found a nice surprise in a jacket pocket or the back compartment of that purse you never carry? Like a surprise $20 bill or the missing button you've been wanting to sew back on your favorite sweater or that awesome lip balm you thought you'd lost? Yeah, I'm experiencing the knitting version of that. I was tidying up my hard drive (Sisyphus for the modern age...) and found, um, a fully complete pattern? Like photos, charts, text, everything? It's cowl a pattern I contributed to a friend's book a few years ago, and [...]

July 28, 2023|
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