Nothing to See Here, Move Along
Lots of behind the scenes stuff going on around here, and not much I can talk about in any way that is even remotely interesting. I know. Bad blogger. I'm sorry. Rest assured, though, that there is good stuff happening. Patterns for Book the Third are coming along swimmingly. Book the second is being put on a boat and sent this way. Mini book is clicking along too. Progress is being made, but it's largely administrative and organizational progress. Important, but not exactly riveting for someone else to read about. On the knitting front, things are similarly quiet. I've finished [...]
Continue the Tradition
The yard work wasn't nearly as disturbing as the painting (nor did it go on for weeks and weeks). But I'd set a precedent with the cuffs and the painters last time, so I wanted to continue it. I started this little cuff on Monday (since that's when I thought the yard folks were coming) and worked on it on and off while they were here on Tuesday. I finished it up Wednesday. Yesterday was blocking and button hunting (I'm not sure this is the right button, but it works for now). Today, I show it off. It's cute and [...]
Every now and then someone asks me how it is that all my knitting comes out so well. After I've stopped laughing, I assure them that it doesn't. Not really at all. An amazing percentage of my knitting comes out exceptionally badly. Probably a higher percentage than of your knitting. Every pattern that gets to the point where you see it has had lots and lots (and lots) of failed prototypes. So, just to reassure those of you who might be feeling that you're the only one whose knitting occasionally looks like a pile of limp spaghetti, allow me to [...]
A Pack of Filthy Lies
I had the best of intentions. I have about two thirds of a hat...two thirds of what I am increasingly sure will be a cute hat. I have the firm desire to show you this partial hat. But you see, I also have three nefarious kitten overlords, a tendency to fill the bathroom sink to block swatches, and poor judgement as to how well the kittens will behave in the presence of a sink full of water. Hi-jinx ensued. The short version is that I now have a very damp partial hat that is in no way photo ready. I [...]
Cast of Characters
The Chez Violence Home for Wayward Knitting Props has a new resident. It started with Alphonse. Then he was joined by Percival. These two hard working gentlemen have now been joined by Millicent. I think I've mentioned (and I'm sure you've seen in the odd picture here and there) that I have giant man hands. I just do. And I don't really mind (which is good because there's not much I can do about it). For most things, Percival works great. But he is actually a bit bigger than my hand, so if I'm doing something fairly close fitting (or [...]
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