This weekend is the photoshoot for Curls 2. This is ridiculously exciting, as I think all this gray is going to be amazingly fun to take photos of. I've been doing that thing where I scurry around making sure I have everything I need for days now. Of course I need all the curls themselves. I store them on a dress form to keep them from getting wrinkled after they are blocked. These are on Alethea's companion, Verity. You've not been properly introduced yet, but I'm sure we'll fix that at some point. Both ladies are coming with us for [...]
The Lists don’t Handle This
The photo shoot is always a little scary. It's the one point in the whole book making process where I pull in a bunch of other people, assemble them (and the knitting) in one place at one time, and expect magic to happen. And somehow, it always does. I'm pretty sure this is because I have amazingly obliging friends, a really good photographer, an awfully nifty Boy, and a penchant for advance planning. The combination seems to work well. That doesn't mean there aren't occasional hiccups (like "oh surprise, it's pneumonia" or "what do you mean, we lost the knitting? How [...]
In Which Props are Assembled
As far as I can can tell, the key to photo shoots (quite possibly to books in general) is lists. Lists of knitting. Lists of photo ideas. Lists of props. The list of props for this one looks something like this. That's an old trunk, a blanket, a pair of pajama pants, handkerchiefs, fancy hangers, a tea cup, a champagne coupe, a bottle of champagne, a pair of boots, a stack of old books, yarn, and a basket. And yes, yes I need them all. There is a plan for each and every one of them, and I think they're [...]
You'll have to excuse me, I've been over here petting the pretties. The photo shoot is Tuesday (a week from today). I'm making lists (one of which includes a bottle of champagne, I swear it's a prop) and plans and possibly even schemes. Remind me that a week from tomorrow it will be over, and I'll have survived another one, and all will be well. And then make me stop petting the projects and actually do some work.
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