Cataphyll (plus giveaway)
Way back in 2013, I had a lovely little pattern in Interweave's Sockupied magazine (it showed up in the Sockupied book too and even made the cover...I was unreasonably pleased). Ever since then, I've had folks asking when they'll be able to get this one as a stand alone pattern. I'm delighted to say that you can get it right now! Cataphyll is now available on ravelry. I sort of adore these. Most of the leg is nice, easy ribbing (which means they'll fit beautifully), but there's also a column of lovely leaves down the outside of your ankle to [...]
Fulvous & The Plucky Knitter
I'm using the Curls preorder to introduce the patterns and yarns from the book. I'll be featuring a new pair each day. Most of the yarn companies have donated lovely prizes, so come back every day to see what's new! Fulvous in Bello Worsted by The Plucky Knitter I've already professed my love for the two extremes of the cable spectrum. The last project satisfied my need for the big meaty cables, this one takes care of my undying fondness for teeny tiny cables. Just to make things even more interesting, there's a bit of dropped stitch action going on, [...]
Book Yarn, Part II
KCC3 is debuting soon (next month!) and I want to take a bit of time during the lead up to show off all the delightful yarns I've used in the book. So without further ado, yarn. These are two of the many amazing yarns available from Plucky Knitter. My love affair with Plucky yarns is well-documented and long-lasting. So far, I've indulged in some delightful boy socks, some downright girly socks, a cuff, a hat, and of course the cover socks from the last book! On the left, you've got Plucky Feet in Spice of Life. This is one of [...]
Delias eucharis Knit Along
I’ll be having knit alongs for each of the pattern pairs in The Knitter’s Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II. This month we're starting the two patterns inspired by the Delias eucharis print. To start, we've got some delicious cabled socks (I loved them so much they had to go on the cover). And if you're not feeling the sock vibe, this hat is equally enchanting. These are both made with yarns from the always charming Plucky Knitter, and yes I do happen to have a beautiful skein of her yarn to give away to a lucky winner at the end of [...]
Some time last year, the charming Anne Merrow, editor extraordinaire of Interweave's Sockupied, got in touch and asked if we could hatch a plan. Um, yes. The answer was definitely yes. So we plotted and planned. Swatches were made, yarns were procured, patterns were written, and socks were knit...all in breathless secrecy. Some time last September the socks and pattern went off to hang out with the folks at Sockupied, and I got back to my regularly scheduled programing. Then, earlier this month, I got to see the socks again...all laid out and with absolutely adorable photos (I swear Interweave [...]
Book Yarn, Part V
Next on the list, The Plucky Knitter. I first encountered Plucky Knitter yarns at Sock Summit. I fell for them immediately, and I fell hard. I may possibly have walked to the register cradling the yarn in my arms, as there was too much of it to simply hold in my hands. Part of that purchase got turned into Whippersnappers within just a few months. Plucky yarns can be a little tricky to get, but I assure you they're well worth the effort! On the right is Plucky Feet in Sticky Toffee. This is a 4 ply, 90% merino 10% [...]
Rabble Rousers Yarn Giveaway (yes, more!)
Lots and lots and lots of good stuff to get through today! First, business. This is the last day of the Rabble Rousers preorder. That means the preorder discount ends today, so this is your last chance to get the book (plus a free extra pattern of your choice) at the lower price. Tomorrow the full electronic version goes live. Next up, more yarn to give away. I've got piles of it to go along with the release of Rabble Rousers, and I know you guys are going to love it. Today's lovely prize is the Primo Worsted by The [...]
I feel a tiny bit bad that it's been so long since I've put out a pattern. The last one was Chamfer in what, February? Now to be fair, the e version of The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet did go live in March, so it's not like you've not got something to keep your needles busy. But still, I'm used to putting out an individual pattern every month or so, and the longer time frame is making me a bit twitchy. But never fear, it's all in the service of a bigger project! After seeing how much fun Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet [...]
Continue the Tradition
The yard work wasn't nearly as disturbing as the painting (nor did it go on for weeks and weeks). But I'd set a precedent with the cuffs and the painters last time, so I wanted to continue it. I started this little cuff on Monday (since that's when I thought the yard folks were coming) and worked on it on and off while they were here on Tuesday. I finished it up Wednesday. Yesterday was blocking and button hunting (I'm not sure this is the right button, but it works for now). Today, I show it off. It's cute and [...]
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