
This is, thanks to the limitations of space and time, the closest I can come to shoving this on your hand, having you woggle your wrist back and forth, and listening to you go oooooooh, swoooooopy. Because the 'oooooh, swoooopy' bit is pretty much a given anytime anyone puts them on. The way they wrap around your hand is just too satisfying to do anything else. And really...I designed the silly things. I knit them (twice). I drew the charts and wrote the instructions. And still every time I pick them up I go 'wait, where does that thumb come [...]

February 8, 2024|

Forthwith & Posthaste

You know how I said I can occasionally be convinced to bring some of the retired patterns back to stay? Yeah, well, these have been on my mental list of patterns that really do deserve to come back for a while now. They were only out for a few months before I changed everything up (so they never really got their chance to shine). They're one of the most asked after retired patterns (I do try to keep track of what folks are asking about). And I am unspeakably proud of how that thumb goes together (no really, it's clever [...]

February 6, 2024|
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