Going going…

I just went to package up this morning's out going books, and realized I'm down to only a tiny handful of copies of Rabble Rousers.  Tiny like a dozen.  If you've been wanting to get one, this might be the time.  I don't have any plans to reprint these, so when they're gone, they're gone.  Of course the electronic version will still be available, but I know some folks prefer paper.  And as always, if you get the paper version from me, you get the electronic version for free too. And, in much more fun news, if you had a [...]

August 23, 2013|

Rabble Rousers Update

I debated whether I should write this post.  It feels just the tiniest bit shady.  My natural inclination is to post mostly shiny new yarn finds, pretty knitting projects, accounts of various misguided adventures, and the odd kitten exploit here or there.  Anything that veers even slightly into marketing sort of makes me feel fluttery in the tummy.  But the truth is, there is a business aspect to this place, and every now and then, business-y stuff comes up.  This is one of those times, and I have something some of you may want to know. I'm starting to run [...]

November 2, 2012|

Happy News

I'm going to share a very happy sentence with you.  Ready?  'My local brewery is starting a knitting night.'  See?  Isn't that an awesome sentence?  You can say it a few more times to savor it properly if you'd like.  I'll wait.  The brewery in question is The Bottle House.  They're recently opened and just down the street from me.  The beer is delicious, and they have different food trucks in the parking lot every night (or you can bring your own food in if you're feeling like having a picnic).  It's looking like the first knitting night will be [...]

August 20, 2012|

Rabble Rousers Yarn Giveaway, Last Chance

Giving all this yarn away has been so much fun.  Well, there may possibly have been the occasional teeny tiny twinge when I mail out the oh-so-pretty goodies, but that's only to be expected.  The fun parts far outweigh any such ignoble feelings.  I must see if I can do this again some time! But now, just to end things on a bang, the good folks at Malabrigo were kind enough to send me 3 skeins of Arroyo to give away today.  This is the yarn I used for the Ruction cowl and mitts in Rabble Rousers.  It was, as [...]

August 14, 2012|


The sock, it is not yet finished.  It was a productive weekend in lot of other ways though (if by productive you'll take 'relaxing' and 'enjoyable'), so I'll pretend I don't mind the delay.  This is, of course, a filthy lie and the delay is actually driving me bonkers.  But until we get that time machine sorted out, it will have to do. But, I do have the ability to start Monday out on a good note for at least two people, Brenda (goodstuff on rav) and Anna have won the Handmaiden from last week.  And, as a little goody [...]

August 13, 2012|

Bits and Pieces

There is absolutely no coherent theme to my life this week.  This means there is very little in the way of cohesion in the blog posts either.  Sorry guys, it's that sort of day week life.   So, in no particular order: Rabble Rousers is up on amazon now if you happen to feel a terrible itch to buy it there as opposed to from me directly (sometimes it's easier for folks overseas, so I like to have both options for everyone). The marvelous Carol Sulcoski has a review of Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet (plus one to give away) if you're [...]

August 10, 2012|

The Best Laid Plans

Going from 'hmm, well that's an idea' to 'hey, look, a book' is a lengthy process (a fair number of books actually get stuck somewhere in the middle and never make it out of brains and onto paper).  There are a lot of interdependent steps and a lot of bits that are infuriatingly out of your own control.  That's why I try really hard to build a fair amount of wiggle room into any date I give out publicly.  You'll note I normally say 'next year' or 'spring' or just 'later.' It's easier that way.  It doesn't disappoint anyone and [...]

August 8, 2012|

Rabble Rousers Giveaway, Take Three

Do you guys mind if I do this giving yarn away thing again?  I'm hoping not, because I'm having fun!  I've got a skein of Handmaiden Silk Twist to give away.  This is the yarn I used for the Tumult cowl in Rabble Rousers. I've loved Handmaiden (and their sister company, Fleece Artist) for just about as long as I've been knitting.  They were one of my very first 'grown up' yarn purchases (the stuff that comes from a yarn store instead of from a generic craft store), and theirs are still the yarns I'm most likely to bring home [...]

August 7, 2012|

Rabble Rousers Yarn Giveaway (yes, more!)

Lots and lots and lots of good stuff to get through today!  First, business.  This is the last day of the Rabble Rousers preorder.  That means the preorder discount ends today, so this is your last chance to get the book (plus a free extra pattern of your choice) at the lower price.  Tomorrow the full electronic version goes live. Next up, more yarn to give away.  I've got piles of it to go along with the release of Rabble Rousers, and I know you guys are going to love it.  Today's lovely prize is the Primo Worsted by The [...]

July 30, 2012|
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