Just knits and purls (plus giveaway)
You know that thing we tell new knitters when we're trying to be reassuring? That thing about how knitting is just knits and purls (and that really those are just the two sides of the same stitch)? And that's true. Of course it is. But there's also that thing that happens when there aren't any skittish looking new knitters around to scare. That thing where you say you just spent 45 minutes trying to figure out which of six subtly different decreases you like best. Or you tried three different cast ons to see which was prettiest with your ribbing. [...]
Fall with SweetGeorgia (review and giveaway)
I have a long history of loving SweetGeorgia's yarns. I used them way back in my very first book and have been happily playing with them ever since (oh and there just might be a pattern in one of their yarns in the new book due out next month). I love it when yarn companies collaborate with designers, so when I heard they were releasing a collection this fall, I was totally excited! The collection is called Fall with SweetGeorgia (that 'volume 1' part there makes me hope there are more things planned), and it's delightful. It's a lovely mix [...]
Knit Wear Love (review and giveaway)
More TNNA goodies to share, this time it's the delightful Knit Wear Love: Foolproof Instructions for Knitting your Best-Fitting Sweaters Ever in the Styles you Love to Wear from Amy Herzog. You know how I always say I'll never knit a sweater? Now part of that is because of my whole short attention span / that's an awful lot of fabric issue. But part of it is also because I've been scared I'd make one and not love it when it was done. I'm absolutely a product knitter. If I'm knitting something, it's because I want the finished piece. Can [...]
Increase Decrease (review & giveaway)
So that secret suspicion you had? That feeling that maybe TNNA was an awful lot like a birthday party with lots of goody bags for everyone to take home? Yeah, there's actually some truth to that! One of the things that came home with me was a stack of lovely books to review and give away. And today we're starting with Judith Durant's marvelous Increase Decrease: 99 Step-by-Step Methods. The short version of the review is 'oh my woolly goodness, if you like to experiment with your knitting instead of just following instructions, go get this right now.' I have [...]
Pattern Writing for Knit Designers (review and giveaway)
There seem to be a handful of jobs everyone secretly thinks they can do. Run a bed and breakfast is one, open an adorable little bookshop is another. For knitters, their daydreams are often a bit more yarn focused. Many of them seem to flirt with the idea of either having their very own yarn store or designing knitting patterns. Three out of the four of those sound amazingly hard. They require you to have some sort of physical building people can visit, and they likely require the help of lawyers and accountants and insurance professionals and quite possibly a [...]
Tempest (review and giveaway)
My love affair with SweetGeorgia yarns is well documented. I've used it in three of my books (it's on the cover of the most recent one), and there may well be a SweetGeorgia project on one of my sample knitters' needles right this very moment. So, when I heard that Felicia Lo (yarn mastermind at SweetGeorgia) and Holli Yeoh (designer of deliciously modern knitting patterns) were teaming up to create a book of patterns for SweetGeorgia yarns, I expected grand things. And, now that I've had the pleasure of seeing Tempest in person, I can happily say it's even more [...]
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