Alas not these
So yes, the urchin does need beads. But this particular urchin did not need these particular beads. So it is destined to be ripped so that both the yarn and the beads can go on to happier fates. Wanna watch?
Yarn Ramen
Aaaaaand here it is in all it's unwound glory. It makes for an unspeakably satisfying (if tangle prone) toy, but alas we must soak it into submission before it can be reintroduced to the stash. Though I certainly won't tell if you wanna watch it go sproing sproing sproing for a little bit first.
Wibbly Bits
This weekend saw a Significant Purging Of The Stash and Tidying Of The Bins. And one of the things that came up along the way was this, which was like 75% of a skein of a very pretty yarn. A very pretty yarn that I happen to have another skein of. So I decided that since there was definitely enough to use it for something in the future, I'd go ahead and rescue it. Step one was finding an end (the one down side to weaving in your ends very very very neatly is that it can be a bear [...]
Mend my ways
You know how I'm always saying you should swatch? Mmmmm. Yes. Well. The one time I said 'eh, it's just a tiny hat, I don't need to bother to swatch,' I ended up with a hat that was so dense that it was more of a helmet than a hat. This is how far I got before I sighed (loudly), swore (softly), and ripped the whole thing back. I mean it's fine. I've already moved on to the project's next iteration. But I just figured I should confess my sins and mend my wicked ways.
Not tidy
Ok so something was bugging me. There were a handful of spots on this hat where the stitches just aren't quite as tidy as I want them to be. Not horrible...but just not tidy. And look, they'd probably block out. And they're certainly the sort of thing that literally no one else will ever notice (despite fears to the contrary, people just do NOT come up to strangers on the street and say 'I noticed some slight irregularities in the texture of your hat and am scandalized, explain yourself at once'). But they're bugging me. And, in large part [...]
And yet
I am being too picky...way, Way, WAY too picky. I know it. You know it. We all know it. And yet... Should you wish to watch the carnage in real time, you may do so here.
All’s well…until it’s not
Things had been going along swimmingly. The green yarn came (Shibui Silk Cloud in Apple, and yummy stuff it is), wobbly bits continued to wobble, and all was well. Until I took it off the needles and laid it down to really look at the shape of the curve. At which point I decided the bottom was too flat and the top too pointy and had a bit of a sulk. And then had a bit of a rip (anybody else think it looks like ramen when it's ripped?). And then shortly after that had a bit of a reknit, [...]
Once I decided that the initial incarnation of the gray socks had to give way to a new version, the next step was to free the yarn. Now this is actually surprisingly hard for me. I loathe ripping. I always feel like I'm throwing away all that time I spent knitting. But in this case, there was absolutely no way I was ever going to use (or even finish) the socks, and the yarn was too pretty to waste. So out came the darning needle and the swift. I picked out my ends (why on earth am I so thorough [...]
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