This year's star book is just about ready to come out! While we wait, I wanted to show off some of the fun stuff we did with the first star book. Last time was the lovely little coloring book. Today is a bit of cheerleading and handholding, just in case you're worried you don't have the skills to make these. Because so many paper folding instructions look like gibberish. They just do. And that's not how I do things! But if you've tried paper folding before and found it frustrating, I get why you might be wary. So grab this and check [...]
This year's star book is just about ready to come out! While we wait, I wanted to show off some of the fun stuff we did with the first star book. First up is this awesome little free coloring book with versions of the stars that you can print out and color in. I love love love how these look if you print them on tracing paper or velum paper (they do a gorgeous glowy stained glass thing if you use a slightly transparent paper), but regular paper totally works too. There has also been some talk of printing them [...]
So when I say I spent the weekend packing boxes...this is what I meant! Bonus points for kitten cameo and furniture used as barricade against the depredations of the robot overlords. I'm awaiting two more things from the printer (because I slipped and accidentally got us a little something a treat you understand...these things happen...I shall assume no one will mind). But once that's all here, these will get the last few things tucked in, get taped up, get address labels added, and head off to their new homes. But my brain insisted I get a head start this [...]
A Proper Plan
The alarmingly long, overly detailed version of exactly how the kit preorder is going to work, spelled out at great length just so I can feel thorough, is below. But before we get started, I want to put this bit up front: I really need to keep this simple and streamlined if I'm going to pull it off. So I am going to be very firm about only doing this in a way and at a scale that works for me right now. So while there are all sorts of other things that would also be fun, they all add [...]
Ok so we’re doing this!
I am absolutely delighted by how excited everyone is for this paper, so we are totally going to do kits. I honestly expected the vibe to be either 'eh, nah, not for me' (which cool, no problem) or 'how very very very dare you charge enough to both pay for your supplies and for postage and pay anyone who helps you a decent wage for their work and pay yourself a decent wage for your time'. But instead everyone was delightful and excited and absolutely no one on instagram told me I was a monster. So now we're going to do [...]
Right. You know how every year I make stars. And every year I say 'oh, if only the paper came in prettier colors.' But not this year. This year I FOUND the paper in prettier colors. Yes it's ungodly expensive, yes you have to import it, in bulk, from overseas. But ya know...that's something I'm good at. So I was thinking what if we did kits...what if we did little kits with everything you needed to make either 6 or 12 of these stars (the paper, plus a bit extra for practice, stickers for assembling them, dots for hanging them, [...]
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