
I believe this may be the single most perfect marshmallow toasting I have ever achieved. Lightly golden brown, molten all the way through. This is also pretty much the exact moment when I learned that the teeny tiny fuzzy bits of yarn that stick out of floofy yarn to make that halo will singe and curl up at far far lower temperatures than you'd think. But now I have smoke-scented knitted marshmallows, so no regrets on my end. They went out to folks yesterday, but I'm planning to send it out at least once more before the end of the [...]

November 15, 2023|


Toasted is out, and is quite possibly the most absurd thing I have ever spent my time knitting (which, given my track record on these things, is saying something). This one isn't for sale. Instead, it's a little present for anyone on the patreon or mailing list to say thank you for making this absurd year a bit more manageable. Now, no matter how many times I say 'hey, I'm sending this to mailing list folks soon,' there's always someone who misses the announcement. So, if you weren't on the mailing list this morning when the pattern went out, you [...]

November 14, 2023|


Ok, I shall brave the controversy. What's your preferred level of marshmallow toast?⁠ I personally go toward the middle row, right hand side, but I realize tastes vary. The true test for me is 'how melty is the inside.' ⁠ I prefer my marshmallow innards absolutely molten, with the outside being as lightly toasted as possible while still getting all the way hot and melted inside. Though I fully realize this is a precarious balancing act at best and requires more attention than I can usually be expected to muster while sitting around a camp fire. Now you, what's your [...]

November 10, 2023|

Deeply Personal

I would never dream of telling anyone how toasted to take their marshmallow. That is a deeply personal matter and something only you can decide. But I will tell you the best way I've found to simulate various levels of toasting on your knitted marshmallows. The secret seems to be floof. Laceweight floof. Several different shades of laceweight floof. These are all made with the same base yarn (you can see it on the right there). It's some sort of thick, fluffy, marshmallow colored delight from Juniper Moon Farm (the tag is nowhere to be found, I have no idea [...]

November 7, 2023|

Sneaky ends

It can be tricky to weave in your ends when you can't get to the back of your fabric to hide them. This video over on instagram shows how I handle it. It works perfectly (so well that it can actually be tricky to find them if you ever need to open it back up in the future). The marshmallows should be out later this month (probably around the 14th, it mostly depends on when I manage to get pictures). It won't be for sale, so I'd make sure you're the mailing list if you need some of your own!

November 3, 2023|

A bad sign?

Is it a good sign or a bad sign that I kept seeing this out of the corner of my eye and reaching out to pick it up and take a drink? Like more than once. Significantly more than once. And no, the world absolutely does not need knitted marshmallows. I would never try and tell anyone it did. But somehow I find my day is made better by the knowledge of their existence. I suspect one or two of you may feel the same. And, while I cannot quite bring myself to actually put a pattern for these up [...]

October 31, 2023|

Less sticky

I dunno about your grocery store, but my grocery store occasionally has those GIANT marshmallows, the ones that are nearly the size of a toddler's fist. And they always seem like a good idea, but they are, in reality, nearly impossible to toast evenly and more than a little challenging to actually incorporate into a hot chocolate based concoctions. The knitted equivalent, however, seems ever so much more manageable. Or at least less sticky. I have a plan for these. I'm not saying it's a good plan mind you, but it is an amusing plan. I quietly suggest making sure you're on [...]

October 27, 2023|

Toasting forks

There is, I regret to inform you, literally nothing preventing you from waking up one morning and deciding 'I must knit an entire bag full of marshmallows before I can know peace in this world.' Nothing save your good sense and sense of restraint. And we all know I'm not overly blessed with either of those. Which is how I find myself surrounded by a small but growing pile of knitted marshmallows. Send help. Or toasting forks.

October 25, 2023|
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