We had the photo shoot. I remembered to bring both the camera and all the knitting. No one died of heat stroke. We did not get arrested (opinions vary on whether we were, strictly speaking, allowed to be in that building at that time). All in all, the day was a rousing success. Oh, and we got good pictures too! These are just a few of the favorites of the moment. There are lots more to be seen later. Tumult cowl: Clamor hat: Uproar cuff:
I feel a tiny bit bad that it's been so long since I've put out a pattern. The last one was Chamfer in what, February? Now to be fair, the e version of The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet did go live in March, so it's not like you've not got something to keep your needles busy. But still, I'm used to putting out an individual pattern every month or so, and the longer time frame is making me a bit twitchy. But never fear, it's all in the service of a bigger project! After seeing how much fun Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet [...]
Really Truly
Once in a while, I get a message from someone saying their hat or sock or mitt ended up a surprising size. I know how disappointing this can be, and I always feel bad for folks when this happens. I usually write back and ask if they got gauge when they swatched. Nine times out of ten, they didn't swatch. Now I know swatching can feel like a waste of time. I totally understand the urge to just start knitting. But all I can say is that the more I knit, the more I realize just how much time is [...]
Nothing to See Here, Move Along
Lots of behind the scenes stuff going on around here, and not much I can talk about in any way that is even remotely interesting. I know. Bad blogger. I'm sorry. Rest assured, though, that there is good stuff happening. Patterns for Book the Third are coming along swimmingly. Book the second is being put on a boat and sent this way. Mini book is clicking along too. Progress is being made, but it's largely administrative and organizational progress. Important, but not exactly riveting for someone else to read about. On the knitting front, things are similarly quiet. I've finished [...]
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