So let's just take as a given that occaaaaaasionally a person is going to find themselves knitting an urchin. These things happen. And if we start from that assumption, then perhaps it's more understandable that you might find yourself in a situation where you've made a few modifications to an urchin pattern. And then swung by the plant store. And then gotten the most absurd coffee drink you can possibly manage. And then put those all together to choice. Yeah. Yeah I've made several choices here. I regret none of them. The urchin pattern is Oddities, and it's out [...]
Oddities is out, you can find it on ravelry and payhip, and you can use the code TIDEPOOL for 15% off for the first couple of days it's out (or, folks on the Rampant Nonsense level on patreon get it for free as part of their membership). Look, this was all but inevitable. How many times have I gotten half way through a hat crown and said 'huh, this looks like a sea urchin.' That can only happen so many times before you just give in and decide 'ok, I shall knit a sea urchin.' Or a whole pile [...]
Now all we need is a cloudy day and some good beach rocks for some proper photos. This will likely be going up for testing over where that normally happens here in the next couple of hours (I do testing calls on patreon, they're on public posts, anyone can see them and comment on them, you don't have to be following me there to test, it's just the easiest place for me to organize tests these days). You know, in case you need a collection (a prickle? a squirm? a bubble? what the heck is the collective noun?) of [...]
More than one
Could I stop myself with just one beaded version? No. No I could not. Is even one single solitary one of you surprised? I assume the answer here is also a resounding no. And yes, there will be a pattern. Likely not till closer to the end of summer though, because early summer patterns never get the attention they deserve, and it would be a shame for something so cute not to get as much attention as possible!
I told you we'd find a better bead/yarn combo. This is as of yet unblocked (the slightly wibbly bead will be gently nudged into place when I block them), but I can already tell I'm going to love it.
Alas not these
So yes, the urchin does need beads. But this particular urchin did not need these particular beads. So it is destined to be ripped so that both the yarn and the beads can go on to happier fates. Wanna watch?
Where now?
So, I do have a really good suggestion for how to block these guys...but it involves shoving a balloon where the sun doesn't shine and looking absolutely ridiculous for a moment. Tell me that looking ridiculous is actually good for you. At the very least, there is video proof that it is, at least in this case, not fatal.
See, this is where the difficulty arises. The buddy on the needles had been intended to be the final friend. But he's not quite the right color for the beads (and I would have wanted to start adding beads a little earlier in the knitting process anyway). So now he can't be the last one, because clearly I need one with beads. But this dude was to have been the seventh urchin. And seven is a lovely number. Eight...less so. For whatever reason, eight of something will be harder to arrange in photos than seven (and will not be as chill [...]
Good news/bad news
So the good news is I found some beads. And the bad news is I found some beads. (At Fiddlehead, for anyone local!) So clearly I need to make at least one more little urchin buddy with beads on. To do otherwise would be just foolish. But it does mean I need to get a little more knitting time in before I can take these to the seashore for their photos. The real question here is...gray urchin with purple beads? purple urchin with purple beads? pink urchin with purple bead? which way are we taking this...
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