Shamelessly Girly
Of course, I did manage to squeeze in a bit of knitting while I was away. I made good progress on the blue, leafy socks. I'm about 3/4 done with the second one and should have a finished pair to show you soon. But I wanted to see if I could squeeze a whole project into the trip, cast on to bind off. That meant it would need to be a small project, but I managed it. I wanted to take pictures there (seemed only appropriate, since I knit it all there), but that meant it was unblocked. So I'll [...]
Retreat, Mind the Loot
The goal of this retreat is for people who are working on self publishing knitting books to get together and help each other. Well no, it's a bit broader than that. We've got a few things that aren't exactly books, and a few things that aren't exactly knitting. But the gist of it is 'fiber' and 'stuff that until recently was done only by big publishers (or maybe not even done at all) but is now being done by individuals.' The technology is changing so fast that trying to pin it down more precisely than that gets tricky. If you [...]
Retreat, Now With Work and Secrecy
On Thursday, the retreat proper began. This is where it gets tricky to talk about. We're all there to make progress on our various projects (and to help other folks make progress on theirs). That means things that get discussed there are often still fairly confidential. This is understandable and hugely important (ideas need a safe space to come to fruition), but it does make for rather tricky blogging. So, I'll tell you what I can, but on the whole, I'm going to be maddeningly obscure. Cat's got plans for something grand that in no way involves socks. Jeny is [...]
Retreat (now with actual rest)
Having spent 12 hours traveling on Monday, and having engaged in unexpectedly vigorous relaxing on Tuesday, I decided to see if I could spend Wednesday in a slightly more restful fashion. I went into the town of Friday Harbor and passed a lovely morning perusing book stores, art galleries, second hand shops, and sampling the products of the local bakery. I'd hoped to stop by San Juan Island Distillery, and tried calling several times, but never managed to find them when they were open. I consoled myself by procuring a selection of their products at the local grocery store. Then [...]
Retreat, Part II
After the stroll (no, no it was more of a hike -- a hike with moments of slog), it was time for lunch. I went back to Eastsound (small island, small towns, that was the closest spot that promised a selection of lunch spots). I stormed the first restaurant I found and devoured some sort of massive sandwich product. As I was sitting there, marveling at how amazingly tasty things are after a nice long scramble in the woods (and trying hard to ignore the muddy cuffs on my pants), I though hmmm, perhaps I should double check the ferry [...]
Retreat (noun or verb, you pick)
The choice seemed to be either the details of my trip were a bit disjointed and out of focus, or they didn't show up for ages and ages. I made the executive decision that quick and scattered was better than late and ordered. For those of you in need of something more structured, my apologies. For the rest of you, read on. Monday the 4th, I headed out bright and early (this is a lie, it was so early nothing was anywhere near bright). I clipped myself into a flying sardine can and had a truly uneventful trip west (when [...]
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