What Else?

You guys all know the book is going up for preorders on Tuesday.  And I'm sure you can imagine how calm and cool and collected that has me feeling.  Yup, super relaxed, that's me.  Not at all dervish like or engaged in any sort of frantic scramble to make sure things are organized just so for that.  Nope, not at all.  But just so you don't think I've been lolling about, monogramming cupcakes and alphabetizing my spice drawer while I wait for the big day, I thought I'd come tell you about a whole different project. Many of you know [...]

April 3, 2013|


As you may perhaps recall, a few months ago The Boy and I took a stroll to a little stream in the woods for a bit of a photo shoot.  Just as a public service announcement, I'm still not sure splashing around in freezing water with pneumonia is a good idea.  I am, in fact, fairly sure it is not a good idea.  But it was entertaining.  And cold. The photos were for Heather's charming new book What Would Madame Defarge Knit?, which came out this weekend.  It's a collection of patterns based on characters from classic literature.  You can [...]

May 2, 2011|

What Would Madame Defarge Preorder

If you've been reading for a while, you know I was lucky enough to contribute a pattern to Heather Ordover's upcoming book, What Would Madame Defarge Knit:  Creations Inspired by Classic Characters.  Heather is the mastermind behind the Craft Lit podcast, and this book is a perfect next step on her path to being appointed benevolent dictator for life.  Heather's pulled together a lovely group of designers (I'm still not sure why she let me in...shhhh, don't tell her I'm making this up as I go along!), and has created an absolutely fabulous book. Today, in celebration of Charles Dickens' [...]

February 7, 2011|

Are You Running Late?

Heather, she of What Would Madam Defarge Knit? brilliance, is feeling festive and wants to help you along in your holiday planning.  If you've not quite gotten your cards figured out yet, she's got you covered.  Perfect for all your knitterly friends! There are more goodies to come (some are tentacle-themed goodies are in the line up for later if the rumors are true), so keep an eye out over there for updates!

December 11, 2010|

Far Too Much Fun

It was a photo-ish sort of weekend.  Saturday we wandered over to a local stream to take sock pictures.  You've seen a bit of that.  Then on Sunday, we took pictures of the hat. Now as charming and helpful a model as The Boy is (he spent his Saturday cheerfully standing in a cold stream having his feet photographed after all), I couldn't quite see him sporting a fetching pastel periwinkle hat and mitts.  I actually think the hat could work for guys if it was made in a guy-ish color (or at least a color that the guy wearing [...]

November 17, 2010|

As Promised

I checked with Heather.  She said it was ok.  No really, she did.  She said I could show you the socks.  Secrecy be damned.  Really.  Here ya go. I think having a website is awesome just because you get to torment others.  It makes me a bad person, but I'm comfortable with that.  Everyone needs a hobby, right?  How often, as a grown up, can your really dance around going 'I know a seeeeeeeecret' without someone smacking you.  Having a website lets me do that while safely out of smacking range.  I like it.

November 16, 2010|

A Wee Bit Nippy

This weekend The Boy and I trooped off to take pictures of the socks for Heather's book.  We needed a fairly specific look.  Generally, I'm quite happy to just go out in the yard and wing it.  Alas, that wouldn't really work for these.  We needed water and rocks.  Luckily, The Boy knew a spot.  Also luckily, it was the warmest day we've had for weeks.  Note that 'warmest' does not necessarily equal 'warm.'  I checked.  That water is cold.  Luckily it's only about ankle deep, but ankle deep in freezing water (while wearing sandals, which seemed like a good [...]

November 15, 2010|

Well Dressed Pumpkin

Why yes that is a pumpkin.  Three of them really.  Well, I'm not actually sure if the white one or the green one are technically pumpkins, but they're playing the role of pumpkin for me this year.  And yes they're still on the porch.  As far as I'm concerned the pumpkins can reasonably hang out on the porch and be considered 'festive decorations' rather than 'signs of terrible yard maintenance habits' until Thanksgiving weekend or until the squirrels devour them -- whichever comes first. Why do you ask?  Oh, you were surprised about the neck warmer on the pumpkin.  Well, [...]

November 9, 2010|

Tick Marks

The good thing about a fit of profligate casting on is that you can have a whole host of projects that are mere minutes from completion.  Last night I finished off the socks for Heather's book.  I can't show you much, but I can give you a tiny peek of the toes just to prove they're done (still wet, still on the blockers, but done).  They're in Briar Rose's Grandma's Blessing in...um...a lovely blue/brown/green color the name of which is forever lost to me as it isn't listed on the tag.  It's also from one of their 450 yard put [...]

November 4, 2010|
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