More treats

Couple more treats from Fridays' unexpected detour into the delightful Fiber & Vine (first two pics) and Saturday's detour into a totally different yarn store (third pic). It was that sort of weekend. As I said, plans are afoot, and if you're out and about, you might as well have a little adventure while you're out. The first picture is two skeins of Making's Landing, one in white, one in gray. This may be the exact opposite of yesterday's yarn in every possible way, and I love them both dearly. And this...well, this I know exactly what it's going to [...]

February 13, 2024|


There I was, innocent as a lamb (no), minding my own business (nope), up to no trouble at all (again, no), out on one of those small excursions that happen at the start of daunting undertakings (this bit's true at least), and what do I find but an unexpected yarn store (Fiber & Vine). The delightful kind where you walk in, not having planned to go to a yarn store that day, and walk out with treats. In case that big smushy stuff is Manos del Uruguay's Franca in Marshmallow, and the floofy stuff is Ella Rae's Silky Kid in [...]

February 12, 2024|
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