All of the unladylike fuming and vigorous swearing at wordpress were apparently worth it. This website has begun to result in the arrival of real live actual yarn in my mailbox. Yarn – for me!
One arrival is a lovely skein of Nichole by Schaefer. It’s a hypnotic mix of blues and purples, variegated enough to be interesting, solid enough to stand up to all sorts of interesting patterns. My only complaint about it is that it’s a one-of-a-kind colorway and so I won’t be able to get more. This will turn into the sock I knit for Schaefer, and you will be seeing lots more of it in the days to come.
The other is equally lovely and just as exciting, but I am, alas, sworn to pictoral secrecy. I can say that it’s an array of test yarns for a yarn club and that I’m very excited about working with it. I don’t think I’ll be giving too much away if I say the color is fantastic. I’ll be saying more about it as soon as I receive official dispensation!
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