The purple socks (they will be called Caprice, which I’ll explain in due course) are done and drying on the blockers. I’m quite smitten by them. So smitten, in fact, that I may go ahead and release them earlier than I had originally planned. I’m starting to think early January might be a more fitting date than mid February. What do you think?
There is one sad thing about them being done though. Their completion means that I am not currently using my new Signature needles. They went into the socks the day I opened them and haven’t been far from my hands since. I’ve got another pair of socks on the same size needles and I’m considering switching out for the Signatures. I’ve heard it’s courting disaster to switch needles in the middle of a project, but I think I’ll take my chances.
As I mentioned earlier, the Signatures were a birthday present. I actually had a very knitterly birthday. I got the Barbara Walker stitch dictionary I was missing. I’ve now got the whole set, and they hold pride of place on my knitting shelf. I also got Lily Chin’s Tips and Tricks book, which is just marvelous. I took her class earlier this year and was very pleased with it. The book is even more information packed than the class was. The final bit of stitchy goodness was finding another stitch dictionary (Harmony Guides Lace & Eyelets) at the used book store on my birthday. Obviously the knitting Fates were watching out for me.
Pictures of Caprice will be up shortly (lovely though they are they don’t look all that impressive on the blockers).
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