Published On: August 8, 2010

So it seems I may have picked up a wee bit of a bad habit.  This book thing is a bit addictive.  I’m more or less finished with book one (Silk Road Socks).  I’m deep in the plotting stage of book two (no way am I telling you anything about it yet — the waiting is helping me build character).  Alas, this is not enough.  I’ve gone and gotten myself involved in another book.

Heather Ordover, English teacher extraordinaire and the genius behind Craft Lit, has had what may well be the best idea in the history of thinking.  She’s doing a book called What Would Madame Defarge Knit: Creations Inspired by the Classics (see, you know she’s cooler than I am, because she already has a subtitle)!  It’s a collection of patterns, some by Heather and some by other folks, all inspired by characters from classic literature.  The very concept made me squee with delight.  Why yes I was a frightfully bookish child, why ever do you ask?

It’s coming out this winter and is being published through Cooperative Press (the same place that’s doing my book).  Through a fortuitous series of events (weave your own scandalous tale of bribery, blackmail, collusion, and general knitterly skulduggery at will), I get to do a pattern for it.  The glee generated by this has been nigh on overwhelming.  More details will be forthcoming over the next few weeks, but I had to share just a bit right now!

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