Wee Jaunt
Sometimes, when The List Of Things That Ought To Be Done gets too long, the best thing to do is pack up and run away. Not always. If you always respond that way, nothing ever gets done. But, every once in a while, especially when The List contains a lot of those guilt items (like muck out the garage and organize the basement and rake the leaves) that don’t really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, running away is the best way to handle it.
Our favorite band, Jukebox the Ghost was playing in Pittsburgh Friday night. Our List was long. If we hadn’t gone to the show, we would have spent the weekend cleaning the house and yard. The show was a better choice, so we dashed up to Pittsburgh for the evening. (As an aside, Jukebox the Ghost are 100% made of awesome and you should immediately buy their cd and begin attending their concerts.) We stopped off at Church Brew Works for dinner before the show. The beer, the food, and the service were all fabulous (our waiter correctly identified my knitting project as gloves at first glance — technically I suppose they’re fingerless gloves, but there’s really no way to tell that till you’re at the point where the fingers would be, so he still wins). There was a bit of confusion about the start time of the show, so we also stopped by Embury to kill a bit of time. They make the best drinks I’ve ever had — each one takes a good five minutes to prepare and involves the glorious demise of a wide variety of excellent liquors and fresh fruits. The show was, as expected, marvelous.
The next morning, we headed out to Ikea (Cleveland doesn’t have one, and I find myself compelled to stop by whenever I’m in a city that does). After that, we raided the local Half Price Books and scored a whole stack of goodies. Thus fortified, we got lunch and headed over to East End Brewing Company to make sure they were still making good beer (rest assured, they are). It was almost time to head home, but there was time for a quick stop at a yarn store.
Now we have a habit of finding yarn stores next to breweries. Since that post, we found one in Maine (yarn store, brewery, and game store all within 100 yards of each other, nifty place that) and now we’ve found one in Pittsburgh. Natural Stitches is just up the street from East End, and it’s a marvelous place. They have lots of lovely yarn (I was smitten by some Madeline Tosh DK), quite a bit of spinning fiber, and an excellent selection of tools (including the 2.25mm square dpns I’ve been looking for). As we usually stop by East End when we’re in town, I have a feeling I’ll be going back to Natural Stitches quite often. There was some Pagewood Farm yarn I debated getting and then put back. Putting it back was an error. I might need to go rescue it.
And I feel terrible I didn’t see Heidi’s comment in time to schedule a trip to Knit One as well. We were at the concert by then, and we didn’t get into the hotel till 2, at which point I was too zonked to get online. The next morning we were in a bit of a hurry (having overslept a bit) and I again didn’t manage to get on the computer. It’s now officially on the list of places to hit up next time we’re in town (which is looking to be early November). Next time I’ll ask for recommendations in a more timely fashion.
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