Look, here I am again, three days in a row! That’s nearly unheard of. (Really, I feel bad about my unexpected absence and I’m trying to make up for it. Don’t expect it to last too long though, at some point I have to stop writing and actually knit, or else I’ll totally run out of things to say.)
And today, there’s a pattern. I’m pleased to introduce Louche.
I started these when were were on vacation in Nova Scotia. They sat, unfinished, uncomplaining, for months and months until I needed some soothing knitting. Then I remembered just how addictive they were finished them up in no time (I think I did the second sock in about four days, which is fast for me).
After a bit of delay to write them up and get them tested (they’re surprisingly easy, really), they’re ready to go.
If you’re itching to make your own, take a look over here and get started!
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