So I’m fleeing the country on short notice once again. Well, compared to previous flights, this one is actually with a huge amount of notice…whole days in fact. The summarized version is that I’ll be in Toronto this Saturday. It’s been a shockingly long time since I’ve been to Toronto, the last time was way back in November 2007.
Now in 2007 I was a very new knitter. How new? Well, consulting my ravelry notes, I see that I took my very first sock ever with me on that trip in 2007.
Even back then I knew that Toronto had a certain reputation as a yarn store haven. But I didn’t really have the resources (wasn’t yet a ravelry member…found yarn stores a bit intimidating) to properly appreciate it. All that’s different now. Yarn stores no longer scary. Putting ‘town name’ and ‘yarn store’ in google before leaving for a trip is now standard practice. But more importantly, I have you guys and can shamelessly ask you what your favorite yarn stores in any given spot are. So, Toronto, Saturday, any suggestions?
ETA: Lies…it turns out I’m telling you all terrible lies. It seems I was actually last in Toronto in February of 2009. But it was for just long enough to have lunch with a friend and buy one wee ball of yarn…not anything resembling a proper visit. This will be a rather longer trip (a few nights rather than a few hours) and afford much more opportunity for socalizing with wool.
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