Hot Diggity Dog
There are people out there who say they don’t like classical music. I would suggest that what at least a few of these people actually dislike sitting still and being quiet while wearing fancy clothes. Because sometimes that’s what’s involved in going to see such music performed. Now I’m not presumptuous enough to suggest that this is the case for everyone, but I think there might be at least a few folks for whom the outfits and the environment are the deal breaker rather than the music.
If that’s the case for you (and if you’re in this general area), I have the solution. It’s called Happy Dog. It’s a bar, so they’ve got beer. But they’ve also got hot dogs and french fries or tater tots. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. You sit down at your table, take a sheet of paper off the little notepad waiting for you there, and indicate what you’d like on your hot dog. Perhaps you’d like brie and bacon-balsamic marmalade? Or maybe you prefer kim chee and fried onions? You’ve got dozens of things to pick from, and you can have as many as you’d like. They’ve even got suggestions in case you find yourself overwhelmed. Once you’ve figured that out, you flip the paper over, decide if you’d like french fries or tater tots, and then pick what dipping sauces and toppings you’d like for those. Someone swings by to get your papers and take your drink orders. Five minutes later, they’re back with your hot dogs and beers. Repeat until you’re full or until you’ve remembered you’re a grownup and don’t eat things like that.
That’s all well and good, but if you happen to come on the third Tuesday of the month between 8 and 11, you’ll do all this while Classical Revolution Cleveland plays in the background. They play chamber music in all sorts of unexpected locations. Last night’s performance featured a selection of Bartók’s lesser known pieces and was simply splendid. Just as important, the booths at Happy Dog are quite suited to knitting. I got in several more rows on the cowl (the mitts were finished on Monday), and should finish that up this week with any luck at all. I have a sneaking suspicion this may become a regular event. Surely one hot dog a month won’t kill me, right?
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