I Shall Refrain From the Obvious Pun
Published On: November 10, 2012

So I must be honest.  This this was not the sort of vacation that makes good blog fodder.  It might actually be the sort of vacation that looks boring to outside observers.  When we left the story last, we were headed out to Maine.  We’d arranged to stay at a perfect little cabin, and we had an ridiculous amount of fun playing house for a week (why is it that things that seem like chores at my actual house seem unreasonably entertaining when I’m playing house on vacation).

The Boy and I had both been just the wee tiniest bit slammed by work the last few weeks, so we were more or less shamelessly lazy for the whole week.  We clambered on rocks (getting not one but two sock projects photographed…the first one you’ve seen already, the second must remain a seeeeeecret until I decide precisely what I want to do with it).  I fell on said rocks and got the requisite skinned knee and scraped palm the very first morning (good to get it out of the way early).  We saw lighthouses and scavenged massive quantities of sea glass and built a dam and found a fishing net (which you’ll see more of later).  We had three campfires on the beach (a pastime I highly recommend) and discovered an unparalleled delicacy in ocean-dipped marshmallows.  In other words, we had a marvelous time and did nothing you really want to read about here.  I would apologize, but it was just what we needed.

Now along the way, we did find just a wee bit of yarn.  I’ll post it here just so I’m not accused of total dereliction of duty.  The first haul came from Swans Island, who sell lovely blankets that are way out of my price range and charming yarn that seems a bargain by comparison.  These three lovelies came home with me.

A day or two later, we swung by String Theory Yarns.  Now I confessed the other day that String Theory was going to be making an appearance in KCC2.  Finding myself in the presence of their whole range of yarns, I may have had a little lapse in fiscal responsibility and just…um…bought all the yarn.  This picture shows a portion of the haul…please note that the three skeins on the right all came home with mates.  They just didn’t all fit in the basket unless I took out the duplicates.

My final acquisitions were made at the lovely KnitWit Yarn Shop in Portland, where I was downright restrained by comparison with my indulgence at String Theory (it’s possible I was reaching yarn saturation at this point).  I got four lovely skeins of Quince & Co goodness.

I love that I was able to find three yarns that all have their roots in Maine.  Souvenir yarn is always marvelous, but it’s extra special when it has a connection to the place you found it (other than just being sold there).

Eventually, alas, it was time to head home.  We had planned to take a few more days and follow a rather meandering route home.  Unfortunately, the rather tempestuous Sandy had other plans, and we found ourselves scooting home just ahead of the storm.  We made it home safe (if damp) and used the extra time to have a nice orderly reentry from the trip.

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