Can I distract you from the weather outside with something alarmingly cozy?
I told you I was taking the slippers off to Washington with me in hopes of getting some pattern pics. I took the slippers, I took the camera, I even managed to snap a few decent pics. Alas, none of them are quite perfect. I think the trouble was that we were all too busy actually being cozy, and actually being cozy more or less precludes getting photos that look all snuggly and magazine perfect. Getting that look generally requires that the model be doing advanced yoga poses, the photographer be contorted on the floor, and a third person be running about with a reflector cursing everyone else.
But, this will serve as a reminder that I have every intention of getting these done soon. The goal is to have them out to testers some time next week and have them released some time next month. Oh, and if you want to get an email when I put this pattern up for testing, there’s a little form over here that you can fill out. All it means is that I’ll send you an message when I have a test and I am looking for volunteers. It doesn’t mean you have to test, or even that I’ll pick you to test. It just means you’ll get an email when I have a test opening up. Seriously low commitment on all fronts!
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