So That’s Done
After busting a rather serious move over the last few weeks, I am delighted to announce that the next book went to the printer Monday morning. I’m unreasonably taken with it. It’s full of these.
Which I will, of course, be showing you in (doubtless irritating) detail over the coming weeks. But for now their essential nature will remain shrouded in mystery. Suffice it to say they’re rather fetching. More information when I have it (I’m waiting for confirmation from the printer before I do anything injudicious like announce a firm date on which they’ll be ready, but I’m aiming for Thanksgiving). Until then, just gaze at the pretty.
Now if you’ll excuse me, if I don’t push a vacuum around my office, I’m in danger of losing one of the Kitten Overlords to the dust bunnies. Somehow housekeeping tends to fall by the wayside in the last week or two of book production, and things are a bit…gritty…around here.
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