Filemot & Spud & Chloë (giveaway)
Published On: November 21, 2014
I’m using the Curls preorder to introduce the patterns and yarns from the book. I’ll be featuring a new pair each day. Most of the yarn companies have donated lovely prizes, so come back every day to see what’s new!
 Filemot in Fine by Spud & Chloë 

11 spud and chloe smallThere is a place in this world for auto pilot knitting.  The stuff you can knit in the dark at the movie theater, or over a beer in the dimly lit bar, or while watching some deeply engrossing tv show.  Projects like that are lovely, and there are several of them in this book.  This is not one of them.  This is unabashedly fiddly.  You’ve got lots of ribbing, you’ve got stuff going on on both right- and wrong-side rows, and you’ve even got twisted decreases.  But, for the love of all things woolly, the result is so worth it.

If you’re going to put that kind of work into a project, you wan to use a yarn that will last beautifully.  This one, by Spud & Chloë is just the thing.  It’s made with six tiny plies which are first twisted together into three pairs, then brought together into one cohesive, balanced whole.  I love yarns put together this way as they tend to feel delicate but wear like iron.  And of course, the 80% merino 20% silk mix bounces the light around beautifully.  It really is a perfect match.

And one of you is going to get to see just how perfect a match for yourself!  Spud & Chloë has donated two skeins of Fine (plus a lovely project bag to keep your work safe).  If you’d like it to be yours, just leave a comment here telling me how you feel about fiddly knitting.  Not gonna happen? Worth it for the right project? The fiddlier the better?  There is no right or wrong answer, just let me know what you think!

FIneComments left between now and the end of the day (eastern time) Thursday, November 27th, 2014 will be entered to win.  I’ll pick a winner, contact them to get their addresses, and arrange to get the goodies to them.  When you leave a comment, be sure to use a real email address so I can contact you if you’ve won (I won’t do anything with those email addresses besides notify the winner).  If I do get in touch with you, I need to hear back from you within 72 hours or I will pick a new winner and contact them.

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