Published On: November 15, 2015

So, I know folks have a few questions.  Some are about the preorder, and I’ll explain all of that in great gory detail on Tuesday (short version, show up at noon eastern on Thursday the 19th).  But there were a few questions about the book itself too, so I thought I’d see if I could answer all of those before the preorder dance starts later in the week.  Let me know if there’s anything else you’re just itching to know!

What’s in the book? Fifteen patterns, a mix of socks and accessories (hats, fingerless gloves, scarves, shawls, and slippers).  You can see them on ravelry if you want lots of pics, but here is a little preview all in one place.

Fine Things All 600What does it look like? Oh, is it wrong if I say I think it looks rather marvelous?  It’s a hardback, which I’ve been wanting to do for ages.  And yes it has the ribbon bookmark that my eight year old self was convinced was the secret to a truly awesome book.


ribbonHow big is it?  It’s a bit more than 7×9 (meaning, the pages themselves are 7×9, but because it’s a hardback, the cover is a bit bigger than the pages themselves.  It’s 122 pages long, and it will look a little something like this on your shelf.

shelfAre they ready to go out?  Oh yes.  Yes indeed.  In fact, I’m rather looking forward to shipping them so my garage will stop looking like a warehouse and instead look like the sort of place someone might actually put a car.

stockedPreorder goodies?  Yup, and I’ll spell all that out Tuesday, but I promise it’s awesome (and I did way more than last time so with luck we won’t run out nearly as fast).

Excited?  Oh yeah…yeah kind of a lot, can’t you tell!


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