Shoreland Socks Individual Patterns
You folks know me. You know my secret (not so secret) conviction that book patterns are better when kept firmly bundled up together in one tidy little package. It goes hand in hand with my (also not so secret) conviction that paper books possess a magic that electronic books, despite their unquestionable practicality and convenience, can never hope to achieve.
However, I do (grudgingly) admit that my personal proclivities are not shared by everyone. I’m sure someone out there absolutely delights in the idea of all their books living in the ether, never to see the inside of a moving box, immune from the depredations of cats or leaky pipes. And someone else truly wants only one pattern from a book and just can’t see the sense in buying the whole thing to get it. So I try to offer options that work for everyone! Which in this case, means that the individual patterns from Shoreland Socks are now available.
And you can use the code ONE BY ONE to take 10% off the price of any of those individual patterns for the next few days.
But, seeing as how I do still firmly believe in the ‘my party, my rules’ theory of life, so I have also put the whole book on sale for $16.00 for a few days (that means you’d get all seven patterns for what two patterns normally cost). So on the off chance that there are a couple in there that call your name, that’s the way to go! You don’t need a code for that, just put the book in your cart and you’ll see the price is $16 instead of $21.95.
Totally up to you! You know your sock needs better than I do. But just in case any of you share my more scandalous tendencies, I wanted you to have the option!
So, just to sum up (I do tend to go on), you can use the code ONE BY ONE to take 10% off any of the individual patterns in Shoreland Socks. Or you can get the whole book for the regular price of two patterns (you don’t need a code for that, just put it in your cart and you’ll see the lower price). That will work through the end of the day eastern time, Friday, February 19th.
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