Field trip
I wandered around a yarn store.
And I don’t mean ‘I dashed into the store right as it opened to quickly grab the stuff I’d ordered online the day before, keeping my trip as short as possible, and feeling a weird mix of guilty and worried the whole time, because as important as yarn is it’s not technically a necessity and it’s been kind of irresponsible to do non-necessary, in-person stuff for a long time now.’
No. I mean ‘I browsed. I took my time. I found new things. I bought stuff I didn’t know about before I set foot in the building. Because I am absolutely full of glorious vaccine, and it actually seems safe to linger long enough in a shop to do things like that now.’
And sweet crispy crackers but it was wonderful. I got, um, a few things.
Vaccinated folks, have you been back to your yarn shop yet? If so, tell me all about it! I hope you found something marvelous.
Unvaccinated folks, if you’re in the US and 12 or over, it’s totally time. There is almost certainly a shot in your area just waiting for you. Go get your jabs. I’ll be so proud of you if you do!
If you’re somewhere with limited vaccine availability, I’m sorry. It sucks. I desperately hope the vaccine will be available to you soon. And until it is, thank you so much for continuing to be as safe as you can.
(Someone is going to ask, so alas no, I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with any of the stuff I bought other than ‘probably knit something.’ I was too busy trying to remember how to behave like a normal human being instead of a feral cave beast to do anything as practical as shop with a plan. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something, and I have zero regrets.)
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