In Trouble
Published On: July 18, 2023

You know that thing where something is so damn pretty it gets you in trouble because you Just Cannot Stop Petting It (fine for knits, not ok for people)? Yeah. This hat is doing that.

I had meant for it just to be a hat. But god those colors are too pretty to be done with, so there’s a very good chance I might (accidentally you understand) be making a pair of mitts to match.

Do I already have a pair of mitts to match with the gradient going straight through? Yes of course. Of course I do. But somehow that’s not enough. I mean I’d pretend to be sorry, but I wouldn’t mean it, and I don’t think you’d believe me.

Standard bits for anyone just joining us or who has not been hanging on my every word. The hat is called Constellate, and while it is not currently available, you can probably assume that the growing pile of bits of pretty knitting means that’s going to change in the not too distant future. You know what to do if you want to hear when that happens.

And the yarn is one of Seven Sisters Arts Color Wheels, which I have it on good authority, might be available in the not too distant future. And that’s a very good thing, because my goodness it really is a complete delight and you want it on your needles as often as possible.


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