Advance Planning
Quick summary up top:
- Many of the retired patterns will be back for a few days next week.
- They’ll be on ravelry and payhip on Monday, July 22. I’ll post when everything is live.
- They come back at a discount, but folks who let me email them (whether by being a patreon member or by being on the mailing list) will get a little something extra.
- They’ll go away again on Monday July 29.
More detailed version for those with questions:
- It’s many of the retired patterns, not all. There are some that are either too old for me to feel good about letting folks buy them, that I don’t have the rights to, or that I have other plans for. But it’s an awful lot of them. Alas, no, I do not have a list.
- Activating and deactivating the patterns is an Intensely Manual Process involving multiple websites, and it takes several hours. I cannot tell you exactly what time on the 22nd I’ll be done, or exactly when the last of them will go away on the 29th. But I will post here (and on the patreon/ravelry/insta/mailing list) when it happens. I’ll probably do a second post, likely on Friday, just in case your inbox/brain is busy and you forgot. I figure two is ok, more than that is annoying.
- The retired patterns already come back at a discount (generally about 25% off from my regular pattern prices). And I’ll set up a little something extra for folks who are free members on patreon or on the mailing list, and a little something more for folks who are paid members on patreon. Details of that will go up Monday.
- The retired patterns are in earlier pattern formats. They’re still good patterns (any of the ones I don’t feel good about, I just don’t make available)! But they are in a different format, and some of them have photos that…that make me realize I’ve gotten better at taking photos over time. I only list the ones I feel good about having people buy, so I don’t think anyone will have any problems, but I do like to let folks know.
What you can do now:
- If you use ravelry, you can browse the older patterns over here. Alas, there’s not a good place to point you to off ravelry to see them. But when they come back, they will be on both ravelry and payhip, and you’ll have a full week to look, so you won’t be rushed!
- If you have any burning questions not answered above, let me know and I’ll do my best to answer (though either ‘which exact patterns are coming back’ or ‘exactly what time will you be done with the lengthy manual task’ will be met with a gently lowered eyebrow and the answer ‘dunno…check back Monday’).
- If there’s something you’re just absolutely iiiiiiitching to have come back, drop the pattern name over on this post on instagram or patreon and I’ll see what I can do!
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