Monthly Reminder
Are you registered to vote? You sure? Because about 1 in 3 of you* live in states that kick folks off the voter rolls if you don’t vote often enough. And all of you* live in states where ‘accidents’ happen. And this election is going to decide whether we start getting our bodily autonomy back, or whether we loose even more of it.
So check your registration. You can do it at Then get your friends and family to check theirs. Ask folks if they want help registering to vote. Ask if they want help getting a mail in ballot or need a ride to vote. Be that dorky friend who just goes ahead and says it!
I know it’s weird, but it’s something you can do to help. And that’s worth feeling weird for a second. Because voting, especially in this election, matter. It’s not all we need to do. It won’t solve everything. But wow will things get worse if we don’t.
*Yes, fine, 1 in 3 of my American folks. I know not everyone here is American (and I hear from so many folks from other places who are horrified by what is happening here, and all I can say is you’re absolutely right, it’s awful). But when I’m being shouty about political stuff, especially the bodily autonomy stuff, that’s who I’m talking to. And things like “1 in 3 of you” get folks to click and read the rest of the post. So forgive my generalization, and encourage your American friends to double check their registration!
Handy sources:
– Good piece here about unfair voter roll purging, including links to articles on states like Ohio and Wisconson and Georgia and North Carolina removing hundreds of thousands of eligible voters
– Map here where you can see which states do what, with citations
– Check your registration at
– Learn more about voting laws here
Every month, we make a donation to Aid Access to help pay for abortion pills. Thank you for making this possible!
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