Published On: October 24, 2024

This year’s star book is just about ready to come out! While we wait, I wanted to show off some of the fun stuff we did with the first star book.

Last time was the lovely little coloring book.

Today is a bit of cheerleading and handholding, just in case you’re worried you don’t have the skills to make these. Because so many paper folding instructions look like gibberish. They just do. And that’s not how I do things! But if you’ve tried paper folding before and found it frustrating, I get why you might be wary.

So grab this and check out how I do my instructions. I think you’ll have a much better time with them. Because really, if you’ve folded a piece of paper to put it in an envelope, you have the skills you need to do this…you just need good instructions. And I write damn good instructions!

You can find the first book over here, and there’s a link there to download the coloring book there!

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