Here’s the plan…
Published On: November 23, 2024

It’s that time, the retired patterns will be back next week!⁠

Now, couple of caveats…⁠

– It’s MOST of the patterns, but not all of them. Some are either old enough that I don’t feel good letting anyone buy them or have publishing restrictions on them because they were part of someone else’s project. I don’t have a list, but you can poke around on ravelry (and if you’re not a ravelry person, don’t worry, they’ll be up for a while so you won’t be rushed).⁠

– I will LIKELY start flipping them on tomorrow (Sunday) and LIKELY start taking them down a little over a week later (the Monday after Thanksgiving). But getting these flipped on and off is a super super super manual process (involving touching each and every pattern on multiple websites), and takes hours, so I cannot tell you exactly what time.⁠

– If you want me to send you a message when they’re up, do the mailing list thing. I’ll likely send one email once they’re up, and one more a day or two before I take them down.⁠

But, if you’re one of the folks who has asked about some of the retired patterns, this is one of the two weeks a year when they’re available, so now’s the time to grab them!⁠

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